Showing posts with label streaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label streaming. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Since the videos on the original 2010 post were deleted from YouTube...
...we're re-presenting this incredibly-popular post with updated links!
It's Christmastime, so let's go with the most-demanded Green Hornet vids of all... 
When Titans Clash :
Batman vs The Green Hornet!
A decade before Superman vs Spider-Man, this was the first inter-company superhero crossover.
The Hornet and Kato had already cameoed on Batman, in the episode "The Spell of Tut", where they appeared in a window during a Bat-Climb.
Celebrities ranging from Sammy Davis Jr. to Edward G. Robinson popped up for brief appearances during these sequences. Even characters from other ABC series like Lurch (Ted Cassidy) from the Addams Family and Col. Klink (Werner Klemperer) from Hogan's Heroes showed up!

Curiously, the visiting duo are regarded as heroes, not villains, and Britt introduces Kato by name.
(Metafiction aficionados have been driven nuts by these interludes, trying to fit them into their respective universes...)
And, as we've pointed out before, both Batman and The Green Hornet featured their characters watching each others' show on tv!
All that was basically ignored when it was decided that, to boost Green Hornet's decent (but not Batman-level) ratings, GH and K would appear as "Visiting Heroes" on Batman.
For whatever reason, none of the established Batman villains were used. (And The Green Hornet had no costumed or even ongoing opponents.)
Instead, a new baddie, Colonel Gumm, played by Roger C. Carmel*, was introduced, along with a plotline involving counterfeit stamps which drew The Hornet and Kato to Gotham.
The motif of GH and K being perceived as villains was utilized, resulting in the Dynamic Duo being as eager to capture them as to jail the corny counterfeiter!
In addition, it's shown that the two heroes' millionaire alter-egos, Bruce Wayne and Britt Reid, have known each other since childhood, and constantly competed over almost everything, including women!
So, it was inevitable the two costumed frat-boys would square-off in the climax...
On-set photo of Van Williams and Adam West during the climactic fight scene
Unfortunately, the gambit didn't pay off.
The Green Hornet's ratings didn't improve, and the show was cancelled.
(Note: the show's ratings were good enough to make them eligible for renewal, but, since the producers didn't want to implement network-demanded budget cuts, the network axed the series anyway.
Batman, OTOH, continued, with a reduced budget and cut from being twice-weekly to weekly, for another year, before being cancelled.)
Without further adieu, here is the legendary two-parter; "A Piece of the Action" and "Batman's Satisfaction"...
*Roger C. Carmel played numerous flamboyant villains on everything from The Man from U.N.C.L.E. to Hawaii Five-0 to Transformers to Star Trek, where he portrayed Harcourt Fenton "Harry" Mudd on both the classic and animated series!
He's also the answer to the trivia question; "Who's the only actor to play a villain opposite Batman, Captain Kirk, and The Green Hornet?"

Friday, May 27, 2011

Video Fridays: The FIRST Live-Action THOR!

Thor (Erik Allan Kramer), Stan Lee, and The Hulk (Lou Ferrigno).
Face Front, True Believer!
Though Chris Hemsworth did a smashing job as The Mighty Thor, he wasn't the first choice to personify the God of Thunder in the flesh!
Erik Allan Kramer portrayed a somewhat headstrong Thor in the tv-movie The Incredible Hulk Returns.
Besides the quite-different costume, this version of Thor is two different people, the Thunder God and Don Blake (Steve Levett), a former student of David Banner's (Bill Bixby) who found Mjolnir and can summon Thor from between dimensions by holding the hammer and yelling "ODIN"...

And later the two team-up to...well, you'll get the idea...

Besides being a continuation of The Incredible Hulk tv storyline in a series of tv movies, this was a "backdoor pilot" to promote The Mighty Thor in his own tv series.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Video Fridays: Thor vs the Destroyer!

 Since one of the main "set pieces" in the new Thor movie is a battle with The Destroyer, let's look at it as dramatized using Jack Kirby's art on the Marvel Super Heroes Show...

C'mon admit it, it's KOOL!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Video Fridays: Dr Who and the Daleks

The British have a long tradition of taking successful tv series in every genre from sitcom to sci-fi, and remaking them into feature films.
So, it seemed only logical that, with "Dalekmania" reaching a frenzied peak in 1965,  a feature film adapting the first tv appearance of the lethal pepperpots, would be a box office smash.
It didn't quite turn out that way.
Amicus Productions, basically a lower-budget Hammer Studios, acquired the rights, and produced Dr Who & the Daleks, starring Peter Cushing as Doctor Who.

Note: I said "Doctor Who" and not "The Doctor".
That's because the movie's Doctor is an eccentric human inventor named "Who", not an alien Time Lord using the title "Doctor"!
The TARDIS, while still a space-time travelling device bigger on the inside than the outside, is now the product of one man's expertise, not the culmination of the technology of an advanced civilization.

Beyond that basic change to the concept, the movie was a fairly straightforward condensation of the  seven-episode serial, utilizing the original story's major plot points.
With the benefits of
  • being the first color version of Dr Who (the tv show was shot in black and white until 1970)
  • a bigger budget than the tv series and
  • a music score by Thunderbirds composer Barry Gray
the movie did very good box office in Europe and Asia, though only moderately-well in the US, where the tv show had not yet aired.
Encouraged by the ticket sales, Amicus adapted the second Dalek story into an even more-expensive feature film, Daleks Invasion Earth: 2150 AD.
But that's a story for another time...

The British Trailer

The American Trailer

Friday, April 22, 2011

Video Fridays: The Man of Bronze IS the Man of Steel!

The recent Doc Savage posts have produced some of the biggest hit counts this blog has ever seen!
So, for this week's videos, we're going with The Man of Bronze and Ron Ely as two Clarks, one Bronze, one Steel!
First up, the original theatrical trailer...Have no fear! The Man of Bronze is HERE!

The two major fight scenes in the flick in one clip!

And a very special treat: Ron Ely as the Golden Age Superman!
 From The Adventures of Superboy third season finale; "The Road to Hell Part II"
Don't worry, the opening synopsis gives you all the background you need...

Coming soon: The Doc Savage stories from Marvel Two-in-One and Giant-Size Spider-Man, as well as the Giant-Size Doc Savage one-shot, none of which are included in DC's trade paperback reprint! PLUS: the not-reprinted text features and pin-ups from the various Marvel comics and b/w magazines!
The Shadow's Silver Age run from Archie Comics!
The COMPLETE Fox/Farrell Phantom Lady by Matt Baker!
The Green Hornet (Golden AND Silver Age)!
The SECOND Captain Marvel! (The one between DC's SHAZAM! and Marvel's Mar-Vell!)
Jet Dream and Her StuntGirl CounterSpies: the Complete Saga!
..and much MORE superhero(ine) stuff from 1938-1978!
Don't miss any of the fun!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Video Fridays: THE GREEN HORNET STRIKES AGAIN "Flaming Havoc!"

Continuing our weekly feature "Video Fridays"...
After the events of the first serial, Britt Reid and Kato head to Hawaii for a well-deserved vacation.
Unfortunately, Crime never takes a holiday.
In Reid's absence, a racketeer has managed to place one of his men as Managing Editor, killing any attempt by The Daily Sentinel to publish racket-busting exposés!
Lenore Case sees what's going on, but is powerless to stop it, since she's "only a secretary".
She telegraphs Reid, but the gangsters discover the publisher's on the way back and intercept him...

The Green Hornet serial did so well that Universal rushed a sequel into production within six months.
(It usually took a little longer than that, even for popular chapterplays.
There were two-year gaps between each of the Flash Gordon serials.)
Warren Hull, who had recently played both Mandrake the Magician and The Spider in other serials replaced Gordon Jones as Britt Reid / The Green Hornet. In addition, the use of the voice of radio Green Hornet Al Hodge, when Reid was masked, was dropped.
Most of the first serial's cast returned, including Keye Luke as Kato, Anne Nagel as Lenore Case, and Wade Boteler as Mike Axford. However, Managing Editor Gunnigan is said to be incapacitated by a broken leg.
Following the same format as the first serial, The Hornet and Kato chip away at various rackets run by Crogan, played by Pierre Watkin (Perry White in the Superman serials), until the climactic confrontation in the final episode.

Want to see what happens next?
YouTube provider MedigoCobra has posted the entire serial HERE.
Or you can download it in a variety of formats HERE.

And don't forget to check out...
The Classic Green Hornet Store

Friday, April 1, 2011

Video Fridays: THE GREEN HORNET "Tunnel of Terror"

Continuing our weekly feature "Video Fridays"...
It's time to take a look at the ORIGINAL film Green Hornet in his origin episode from the 1940 Universal Studios serial starring Gordon Jones as Britt Reid/Green Hornet and Key Luke as Kato!
While his full-face disguise looked different from the radio and comic version's surgeon-style mask, the characterization and plots were based on the radio show.
And, when masked, the movie Hornet sounded like the hero of the airwaves...because radio Hornet Al Hodge's distinctive voice was dubbed whenever newspaper publisher Britt Reid was masked!
All the supporting characters from the radio show made it to the movie version.
(Serials usually "trimmed" existing characters to keep the plots fast-paced.)
In fact, Kato received more time on screen than he usually got on the radio, as his scientific genius and other talents (including karate) were emphasized.
Oddly, in this incarnation, Kato was now Korean, not Fillipino or Japanese!
Enjoy "Chapter One: Tunnel of Terror"

Want to see what happens next?
YouTube provider LuridPlanet has posted the entire serial HERE.
Or you can download it in a variety of formats HERE.

And don't forget to check out...
The Classic Green Hornet Store

Friday, March 25, 2011

Video Fridays: Sucker Punch!

Continuing our weekly feature "Video Fridays"...
Click on the Banner for REALLY BIG image!
New flick directed by Zach Snyder and starring Fantastic Femmes Vanessa Hudgens and Jamie Chung plus future Fantastic Femmes Emily Browning, Abbie Cornish and Jena Malone!

You can see more Sucker Punch videos HERE!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Video Fridays: Battle LA Alien Invasion Special!

Continuing our weekly feature "Video Fridays"...
 To celebrate the newest alien invasion epic, here's a retro look at some previous extraterrestrial incursions...

UFO tv series (1973)

War of the Worlds (1953)

Quatermass and the Pit aka Five Million Years to Earth

Plan 9 from Outer Space

Mars Attacks!

Earth vs the Flying Saucers

V the original miniseries

Green Slime

Daleks Invasion Earth: 2150 AD

The X-Files

Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons
and last, but not least...

Godzilla Final Wars: Godzilla vs alien-controlled "American Godzilla" aka Zilla!

Check out our kool
Alien Invasion
kollectibles including...
Seduction of the Innocent!
Martians! Martians! Martians!
The Future WAS Fantastic!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Video Fridays: GREEN HORNET in "Hornet Save Thyself"

Continuing our weekly feature "Video Fridays"...
A joyous surprise birthday party for Britt Reid turns tragic when the publisher guns down an ex-employee in front of two dozen witnesses...or does he?
Reid was holding the gun when it went off, but did he fire it?
And if he didn't...who did? How did they do it? And why?
Even old friend Frank Scanlon, who was at the party, is skeptical...and he's the District Attorney!
Reid knows he's innocent...and he needs his masked alter ego to help him prove it!
Despite the fact he knows Britt Reid is The Green Hornet, Scanlon doesn't use that knowledge to capture the fugitive publisher.
When Reid ducks out the disguised fireplace entrance Scanlon usually uses, the DA doesn't reveal it's existence to the police.
Nor does he show them where the Black Beauty is, fully knowing Britt will use it shortly.
It's only the third time we see an unmasked Reid in a fight.
The same huge soundstage interior used for two different warehouses in "Bad Bet on a 459-Silent" is used here as a dry-cleaning plant Reid hides in.
Van Williams does the same "almost-fall" from scaffolding in this episode he did in that one!
There's no "Produced by" credit on the episode!
The two remaining episodes ("Invasion from Outer Space" Parts 1 and 2) are produced by a new producer.
Here's the 24th filmed and aired episode..."Hornet Save Thyself".

And don't forget to check out...
The Classic Green Hornet Store
or the kool Green Hornet stuff below from Amazon

Friday, March 4, 2011

Video Fridays: GREEN HORNET Goodies!

Continuing our weekly feature "Video Fridays"...
This week we're presenting some behind-the-scenes stuff from The Green Hornet TV series.
First up, Bruce Lee's audition/screen test for the role of Kato. PLUS: the screen test for Jay Murray as Britt Reid/Green Hornet with Bruce as Kato.

There was another screen test for another Britt Reid, Michael Lipton, but that one's not currently online.
Now, some outtakes...

An alternate version of the end of "The Ray is for Killing"...

More outtakes from a number of episodes...

And finally, an assortment of promos, from local stations, as well as a couple from the original 1966 ABC run!

And don't forget to check out...
The Classic Green Hornet Store
and the kool Green Hornet stuff below from Amazon

Friday, February 25, 2011

Video Fridays: CAPTAIN NICE: Pilot Episode

Continuing our weekly feature "Video Fridays"...
Yes, this promo art was by Jack (King) Kirby!
In January 1966, Batman, starring Adam West and Burt Ward debuted on ABC.
This set off a wave of Bat-Mania, and all three TV networks scrambled to add superhero programming to schedules already crowded with science fiction and fantasy programming ranging from Man from U.N.C.L.E. to My Favorite Martian!
While one or two, like The Green Hornet, were done seriously, most of the new shows were not even campy tongue-in-cheek like Batman, but flat-out comedies!
The best of the new shows was the brainchild of Get Smart co-creator Buck Henry, who was asked to to to superheroes what he had done to spies, hopefully with similar ratings.
"My mom made my costume!"
Broadway actor William Daniels was cast as police chemist/mamma's-boy Carter Nash who gained short-term super-powers by drinking a formula he accidentally created.
Along with veteran performers Alice Ghostly (Carter's overbearing mother), Liam Dunn (annoyed Mayor Finney), Bill Zuckert (inept Police Chief Segal) and newcomer Ann Prentess (police Sgt/Carter's dense-but-cute girlfriend Candy Kane), the show tried it's best to capture the style and flavor that made Get Smart a hit.
It didn't.

It was amusing, and Daniels tried his best, but a limited budget caused a lot of the super-stuntwork to misfire, ruining the jokes.

After only 15 episodes, Captain Nice was cancelled.
Maybe if they had done a crossover with Get Smart...

There was some merchandising including a one-shot comic book, a novel written by the same author who did the Get Smart books, and a limited-distribution batch of trading cards, all of which are HTF.
It's not out on DVD, and unless you videotaped it when it ran on Comedy Channel around 1993-94 (like I did), the only place you'll find it is on bootleg dvds or YouTube.
Here's the pilot/origin episode "The Man Who Flies Like a Pigeon".

Friday, February 18, 2011

Video Fridays: Nazis on the Moon in IRON SKY!

Continuing our weekly feature "Video Fridays"...
Regular readers are well aware of my love for retro-style visuals in movies, particularly flicks like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow or the recent Robert Downey, Jr. Sherlock Holmes.
Iron Sky is a dark cross-genre action-comedy set in the year 2018, when Nazis, who fled to the dark side of the Moon in 1945, return to claim the Earth for the Fourth Reich!
It's is a Finnish-German-Australian co-production with a budget of 6.8 million euros, and very heavy on CGI.
Here's the first teaser...

And here's the second one...

The cast includes Götz Otto (Tomorrow Never Dies, Schindler’s List, Downfall), Christopher Kirby (Matrix Reloaded & Matrix Revolutions, DayBreakers, Space: Above and Beyond), Udo Kier (Blood for Dracula, GrindHouse), Tilo Prückner (The Neverending Story, Die Fälscher), and German actress Julia Dietze, a future Fantastic Femme if ever there was one!
Screenplay's by Johanna Sinisalo ( a 2009 Nebula Award nominee) and Michael Kalesniko (Private Parts).
The film just wrapped primary photography and fx will be completed in December.

What makes Iron Sky unique is the extent of the collaboration with movie fans and sci-fi community; "crowdsourcing" ideas and content for the movie in a collaborative movie making platform called WreckaMovie, giving the film publicity by sharing information online, even partially-funding the movie by designing and buying collectible merchandise and other means.  One million euros of the budget comes from fans. Pretty impressive!
Check out their About the Film