Showing posts with label Ray Osrin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ray Osrin. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2024

NoKo Crushers MADAM ZERO "Rockets of the Red Mist"

Perhaps Falwell was inspired by this forgotten  heroine's never-reprinted final tale from Fiction House's Fight Comics #84 (1952)!
Anonymous Commie-buster Madam Zero made only three appearances in her short-lived career!
A mistress of disguise, she always surprised the (also anonymous) secret agent who narrated these stories and who played the helpless "Steve Trevor" to her plain-clothes "Wonder Woman"!
Nothing is known about her real identity, motivations, or even which department she worked for!
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Monday, May 22, 2023

Russkie-Smashers BLUE BEETLE "Rookie Trouble!"

We presented a Russkie-Smashing story featuring this character HERE...
...and, oddly, though Dan Garret had been a cop since 1940, he's still considered a "rookie" 1955!
This never-reprinted tale from Charlton's Blue Beetle #20 (1955) was part of the first batch of new stories about the character after several issues of reprints from the original Fox Comics run.
Penciler Ted Galindo, inker Ray Osrin, and an unknown writer treated the character as a less-powerful Superman, with most of the Man of Steel's powers and relationships transposed to Dan Garret/Blue Beetle and his supporting cast!
There are some changes in his abilities from his just-reprinted Fox Comics tales, so this may actually be a reboot, and not merely a continuation of the earlier series, though it's never clearly-defined!
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Monday, November 28, 2022

Russkie-Smashers BLUE BEETLE "Last Chance!"

Another costumed Russkie-Smasher takes the battle against evil to the vacuum of deep space...
...just as Blackhawk, Captain Atom, and Spurs Jackson and His Space Vigilantes did!
This never-reprinted tale from Charlton's Blue Beetle #20 (1955) was part of the first batch of new stories about the character after several issues of reprints from the original Fox Comics run.
Penciler Ted Galindo, inker Ray Osrin, and an unknown writer treated the character as a less-powerful Superman, with most of the Man of Steel's powers and relationships transposed to Dan Garret/Blue Beetle and his supporting cast!
Note: for December, we're taking a break from Russkie-Smashing to do Yuletide tales featuring superheroes!
The Russkie-Smashing will resume after the New Year!
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