Showing posts with label Valkyrie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valkyrie. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reading Room NOT WHO YOU THINK: FireBird and Valkyrie

Nope, he's not the female Mighty Avenger, (obviously)...
...and she's not another Mighty Avenger (and former Defender)...
...nor AirBoy's aviatrix nemesis from the 1940s...
...but they are a one-shot hero from the 1940s and his female nemesis in a tale from TailSpin #1 (and only), published in 1944.
I think you'll be able to tell who's who...
"In all his checkered career..."
What "checkered career"?
This was FireBird's only appearance!
The "aviator goggles-helmet and cape" ensemble was used by several heroes including Spy Smasher and the original Phantom Eagle, so it could be a reworked version of one of their tales.

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