Showing posts with label Avengers-Defenders War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Avengers-Defenders War. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2023

Countdown to Halloween 2023 PROLOGUE: "Alliance Most Foul!" & "To the Death!"

This scene from Marvel's Avengers #115 (1973) gives new meaning to "cliffhanger", doesn't it?
Amazing how cosmic-level villains have a moral code!
This short story lead into one of the earliest "Big Events" in comics history, crossing-over between The Avengers and The Defenders comics through the summer of 1973 (My Lord, that was a half-century ago, and I read it when it was brand-new!)as the two teams were manipulated into battling each other for possession of the parts of The Evil Eye!
In the conclusion, the baddies were revealed as they assembled the parts, and the groups joined forces against them...
...but even their combined might proved insufficient as they fell against the power of the deadly duo who began reshaping the multiverse with the reassembled Evil Eye...involving everyone from Spider-Man to Dracula to Nick Fury to Thanos as reality collapsed!
At the battle itself, only one remained standing, and in a classic final, desperate, gambit...
As the two teams pick up the pieces, The Watcher, who was standing around watching (and, surprisingly, not interfering), explains...
And that leads into this month's Rutland Parade entry involving Marvel characters, which you'll see...
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Avengers-Defenders War
The Complete Saga