Showing posts with label Marvel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marvel. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2024

MAD-DOG "vs. the Truly Amazing Space Creatures from the Omega Galaxy"

We interrupt "Russkie Smashers" for an important announcement...


Mad-Dog's Silver Age-era creator/writer/artist Bob McKay doesn't exist, despite receiving credit on the cover... well as the splash page.
He's the title character of the 1992-94 TV show BOB, the final series starring the late, great, Bob Newhart!
McCay was the creator/writer/artist of the Silver Age Batman-esque character Mad-Dog!
Unlike most Golden and Silver Age creators, he managed to hold on to the copyright to the character!
When, in the "present day" of 1992, Harlan Stone, editor of Ace Comics, contacts Bob and offers to publish new adventures of Mad-Dog, McCay is ecstatic...until he sees that Stone wants to reboot the character as a grungy, homicidal vigilante!
Stone proposes this comic (published by Marvel) which will present both versions!
Note that, for the purposes of this story, actual writer-penciller Ty Templeton and inker Jeff Albrecht are identified as McCay's "assistants"!
You can read Stone's overly-violent Dark Age version right now over at our 'brother" RetroBlog Atomic Kommie Comics by clicking HERE!
And you can watch (yes, watch) the series' origin story at another "brother" RetroBlogSecret Sanctum of Captain Video, by clicking HERE!
BTW, Russkie Smashers will return next Monday!

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Sunday, October 29, 2023

CountDown to Halloween 2023 Rutland Halloween Parade Comic Book Tales CheckList

Here's a list of stories we've thus far chronological order...
(The first Rutland Parade story in any comic!)
Marvel's Avengers #83
Come On In...the Revolution's Fine!
Part 2
We haven't run the 1971 tale from DC...yet!


There are actually four comics set in Rutland, more than any other single year!
One of the Marvel stories is a standalone, not linked to the other three.
We haven't run that one...yet!
The other three (two Marvel and one DC, are linked, Rashamon-style, showing the same events from different viewpoints, and featuring different characters...though the characters don't realize it!
Marvel's Amazing Adventures (The Beast) #16
...and the Juggernaut Will Get You...If You Don't Watch Out!
Part 1
Part 2
DC's Justice League of America #104
A Stranger Walks Among Us!
Part 1
Part 2
Marvel's Mighty Thor #207
Part 1
Part 2


Marvel's Avengers #119
Night of the Collector!
Part 2


Gold Key's Occult Files of Doctor Spektor #18
Masque Macabre
Part 1
Part 2
There were two separate DC Parade tales in 1976...which we haven't run...yet!


DC Super-Stars (Phantom Stranger & Deadman)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

After 1977, there are only occasional stories set in Rutland, none of which we've run...yet!
Introduction to the Rutland Parade in Comics!
The Real-Life Rutland Halloween Parade!


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Countdown to Halloween 2023 AVENGERS "Night of the Collector" Conclusion

...The Mighty Avengers, exhausted from the epic "Avengers/Defenders War", answer a psychic summons of danger at the Rutland Halloween Parade.
While half the team falls prey to The Collector (disguised as the parade's founder/host Tom Fagan), the other half of the group is exploring the hamlet, looking for clues...
Loki eventually got his marbles (well, most of them) back and continues to bedevil the Marvel Multiverse to this day.

Who is...
...and What Part Does He Play in Our Final Rutland Halloween Parade Tale?
Find out on Monday as We Explore Another Corner of the Multiverse!
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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Countdown to Halloween 2023 AVENGERS "Night of the Collector" Part 1

...well that (and our LINK) certainly-covered those plot points, eh?
So let's get to the action from Marvel's Avengers #119 (1973)...
Who, in 2023, can't sympathize with forgetting to turn off the burglar alarm after a long day?
Fanboy Footnotes:
1) You'll note the footnote reference in panel 1 to the previous Marvel heroes'/heroines' visits...including the one which overlapped Thor and The Beast with the Justice League of America!
2) The real-life Tom Fagan was one of the founders of the super-hero incarnation of the Rutland Halloween Parade.
His comic multiverse counterpart appears in almost every comic set at the parade.
In DC books he dresses as The Batman.
In Marvel titles, he wears the garb of NightHawk, originally a member of the Squadron Sinister, later a member of the Squadron Supreme (both created to be a counterpoint to DC's Justice League of America, so Nighthawk is Marvel's Batman surrogate!)
Wow, that was fun...

Note: at this point in Marvel continuity, neither The Collector's real name (Taneleer Tivan) nor the fact he was one of the Elders of the Universe, were known!
To Be Concluded TOMORROW!
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Monday, October 16, 2023

Countdown to Halloween 2023 PROLOGUE: "Alliance Most Foul!" & "To the Death!"

This scene from Marvel's Avengers #115 (1973) gives new meaning to "cliffhanger", doesn't it?
Amazing how cosmic-level villains have a moral code!
This short story lead into one of the earliest "Big Events" in comics history, crossing-over between The Avengers and The Defenders comics through the summer of 1973 (My Lord, that was a half-century ago, and I read it when it was brand-new!)as the two teams were manipulated into battling each other for possession of the parts of The Evil Eye!
In the conclusion, the baddies were revealed as they assembled the parts, and the groups joined forces against them...
...but even their combined might proved insufficient as they fell against the power of the deadly duo who began reshaping the multiverse with the reassembled Evil Eye...involving everyone from Spider-Man to Dracula to Nick Fury to Thanos as reality collapsed!
At the battle itself, only one remained standing, and in a classic final, desperate, gambit...
As the two teams pick up the pieces, The Watcher, who was standing around watching (and, surprisingly, not interfering), explains...
And that leads into this month's Rutland Parade entry involving Marvel characters, which you'll see...
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