Showing posts with label Infra-Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Infra-Man. Show all posts

Monday, December 13, 2010

Make it a Kick-Butt Christmas Day!

In our ongoing quest to suggest cool Christmas gifts for our faithful fans, we of Atomic Kommie Comics™ would like to direct you to, perhaps, the most unlikely of departments--Pop Art Martial Arts™
But, when you think about it, considering how Western-based, cops-and-robbers-oriented, and military-themed toys and gifts have been part of the Yuletide for generations (I'll never forget finding my first 11.5" GI Joe under the tree one Christmas morning!) it's only natural that martial arts-oriented gifts should also be part of the holiday season!
Beyond the fact that you can't shoot your eye out with a gi, (Note: Do NOT give ninja throwing stars to kids as a present!) all these themes are based on the concept of good triumphing over evil, protecting the helpless, and having fun doing it!
And, martial arts promote physical fitness! ;-)

We offer men's, women's, and kid's garb, as well as stuff to decorate your dojo.
And what a lineup...
The ORIGINAL StreetFighter!
and, for those who want a Power Rangers-style look with rubber-suited monsters aplenty...
And, if you combine one of our items with a related dvd (like those conveniently-listed below), you'll have the Ultimate  Gift Set for the kung-fu movie maven in your life!
So, make it a Merry, Martial-Arts Christmas!
Ho, Ho, Ho, Hiii-Yahh!