Showing posts with label Marvel Boy II. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marvel Boy II. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

Russkie-Smashers MARVEL BOY II "Blast of Doom!"

Even though he was raised on Uranus, Robert Grayson is as all-American as anyone...
...and he'd defend the good 'ol USA against any and all Commie threats, whether they're Chi-Coms, North Koreans, or Russkies!
Note: the "Astros Invasion" involved an alien race, not Houston's baseball team (which didn't exist when this story was published in Atlas' Marvel Boy #2 (1951)!
Some days you just gotta let your inner nerd out!
Patriotic and a planet-saver!
Whatta guy!
Illustrated and likely written by Bill Everett, an under-appreciated creative who worked in comics from the beginning of the Golden Age in 1938 to the Bronze Age, when he passed away in 1973.

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which includes all of Marvel Boy's 1950-51 appearances as well as the 1953 re-intro of Captain America, Human Torch and Sub-Mariner
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Monday, December 18, 2023

Russkie-Smashers MARVEL BOY II "Phantom Pen"

...and we're going to close out the year with one more action-packed tale starring him!
Illustrated (and likely written) by Bill Everett, this tale fom Atlas' Astounding #6 (1951) was the next-to-last appearance (and final Russkie-smashing story) starring the character in any form until his revival as The Crusader in the pages of Marvel's Fantastic Four #164 (1975).
Note: due to constant reboots of Marvel Universe continuity since the late 1990s, this is now in dispute.

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which includes all of Marvel Boy's 1950-51 appearances as well as the 1953 re-intro of Captain America, Human Torch and Sub-Mariner

Monday, May 8, 2023

Russkie-Smashers MARVEL BOY II "Time-Bomb Terror!"

Though the comic was retitled Astonishing as of this issue... still starred Uranian-born (but quite all-American) superhero Marvel Boy!
You'll note Marvel Boy had to deal with bull-headed ineptitude by the G-Men!
Though the actual writer is unknown, it might be artist Bill Everett, whose Sub-Mariner experienced similar problems with Americans as shown HERE!

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which includes all of Marvel Boy's 1950-51 appearances as well as the 1953 re-intro of Captain America, Human Torch and Sub-Mariner

Monday, February 6, 2023

Russkie-Smashers MARVEL BOY II "Zero Hour!"

The only thing you can trust about Russkies... that you can't trust Russkies...who apparently would be happy to die to "own the imperialists" (to paraphrase Repugs)!
BTW, though the mag was called Marvel Boy for the first 2 issues, (and he appeared in issues 1 through 6), it became Astonishing as of #3, and remained that way for the rest of the title's 63-issue run!
Written by Stan Lee and illustrated by Bill Everett, this tale from Atlas' Marvel Boy #2 (1950) about cooperation-then betrayal parallels what happened between the Allies and Soviet Russians during World War II (when they acted together against the Axis) and afterward (when they became hostile once the common threat had been eliminated).
You'll note, though the other side is referred to as the "Eastern" Empire, they're clearly written and drawn as Russians/Soviets!
Bob Grayson was the second character to bear the "Marvel Boy" name, the first one being a Joe Simon/Jack Kirby creation who made only two appearances during the 1940s.
Since he appeared (and disappeared) before the 1953 revival of the "Big Three" (Captain America/ Human Torch/Sub-Mariner) he could be considered Timely/Atlas/Marvel's final Golden Age superhero!
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Atlas-Era Heroes
Volume 1
(which includes all of Marvel Boy's 1950-51 appearances as well as the re-intro of the Big 3)