Showing posts with label Gustaf Schrotter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gustaf Schrotter. Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2019

WEREWOLF HUNTER "Introduction"

Here's a long-lost supernatural series that most comics fans have never heard of!
Not surprising, since it never made the cover of it's home title, Fiction House's Rangers Comics,  even once!
When Fiction House's Rangers of Freedom Comics shortened its' name to "Rangers Comics" as of #8 (1942), the editors jettisoned several backup features and added new ones, including this series.
Seemingly-inappropriate for a military-themed comic, the strip survived until #41, ironically just when horror comics were coming to prominence!
Written by an anonymous writer under the pen-name "Armand Weygand" and illustrated by Gustaf Schrotter, this premiere presents the main characters cleanly and concisely and sets up the premise.
It's the most sedate and "traditional" story in the series, which will eventually jump into other supernatural threats and even time-travel!
Buckle up and be here next Thursday!
It's going to be fun!
BTW, we're part of the amazingly-kool CountDown to Halloween 2019 Blogathon!
Click HERE to see the other pround participants!
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