Showing posts with label Roy Thomas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roy Thomas. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

CAPTAIN GLORY "Power and the Glory!" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

...millennia ago, a highly-developed civilization discovered that humanity on Earth experienced natural disasters eight times previously which wiped out civilization and forced the survivors to restart from a primitive state in cycles of abut 15,000 years!
As their world crumbled, the "Ninth Men" prepared suspended-animation chambers which would preserve the best scientific, philosophical, and military/support service people to assist the next civilization (aka "Tenth Men") when it reached its' 15,000-year "tipping point".
One such person was Captain Keltan, their greatest warrior.
But not all the selected subjects were altruistic.
Some intended to take advantage of the Tenth Men, and rule the future world!
The chambers, located under what is now Chicago, disgorged their subjects during a series of minor earthquakes (a very rare event in the Midwest), with Keltan's chamber being among the last.
Without others to guide him, and unable to speak any current language, the warrior is having trouble communicating with "present-day" (1993) humans...

To Be Continued Next Tuesday at...

Created by Jack Kirby, developed and scripted by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Steve Ditko, this never-reprinted 1993 one-shot from Topps Comics was part of a trilogy of titles introducing the protagonists of the "Secret City Saga" mini-series that followed!
Next Monday:
Russkie Smashing, Chi-Com Crushing and NoKo Clobbering Resume...
...with the Least-Likely Hero of All!

Monday, April 24, 2023

CAPTAIN GLORY "Power and the Glory!" Part 1

We interrupt our ongoing Russkie-Smasher / ChiCom-Crusher series...
...with this introductory chapter into the KirbyVerse which debuted 30 years ago this month!
To Be Concluded...
Created by Jack Kirby, written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Steve Ditko, this never-reprinted one-shot from Topps Comics was part of a trilogy of titles introducing the protagonists of the Secret City Saga mini-series that followed,
Read the previous chapters...
Secret City Saga #0
Bombast #1

Monday, December 12, 2022

Holiday Reading Room WITHIN OUR REACH "Spider-Man in 'A Wolf at the Door' "

Here's a never-reprinted Yuletide classic starring the ol' Web-Head that very few of you have ever seen...

...since it didn't appear in a Marvel comic!
Plotted by David Ross, scripted by Roy and Dann Thomas, and illustrated by by Jeff (Green Hornet) Butler with assists by Gary Kato, this tale appeared in Star*Reach's Within Our Reach (1991), a Christmas charity benefit book with proceeds going equally to AmFAR and Sempervirens.
The cover was by Norm (Batman) Breyfogle, the only time, AFAIK, he's ever professionally-illustrated Spidey!
The book was also Star*Reach Publishing's final project under their own imprint.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

From Romeo & West Side Story (Twice) Best Side Story

With the remake of West Side Story opening tomorrow...
...we wondered...

What if the Silver Age Doctor Strange and Wonder Woman fell in love, just like Tony and Maria?
(After all, they were from two feuding "gangs", DC and Marvel)
We probably would've ended up with a serious version of this titanic tale...

Written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Tom Sutton, this comic company crossover classic was included in Marvel's Not Brand Echh! #6 (1968)...

...a romance-oriented issue that also included a look at how a Human Scorch (Human Torch)/Gristle (Crystal) marriage would work out, and Spidey-Man (do I have to tell ya?) marrying the unlikeliest character of all!
Spoiler Alert: Its' The Wasp!
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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentines Day Special NOT BRAND ECHH "Best Side Story"

What if the Silver Age Doctor Strange and Wonder Woman fell in love?
We'd probably have ended up with a serious version of this titanic tale!
Written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Tom Sutton, this titanic tale was included in Marvel's Not Brand Echh! #6 (1968)...

...a romance-oriented issue that also included a look at how a Human Scorch (Human Torch)/Gristle (Crystal) marriage would work out, and Spidey-Man (do I haveta tell you?) marrying the unlikeliest character of all!
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