Showing posts with label Atlas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atlas. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2024

Russkie-Smashers CAPTAIN AMERICA "His Touch is Death!"

For the 4th of July, We Decided to Go with the Russkies' Attempt to Create Their Own Super-Soldier...

...Albeit One Powered by Electricity!
BTW, note the difference between how Electro, the Russkie "Super-Soldier" is shown on the cover and inside, even though both cover and interior art are by the same artist...John Romita Sr!
It's likely they were done a couple of months apart.
This cover-featured story from Atlas' Captain America V1N78 (1954) is written by Don Rico and illustrated by John Romita Sr.
Trivia: The name "Electro" was used by numerous heroes and villains at various comics publishers during the Golden Age, including a heroic robot appearing in Timely's Marvel Mystery Comics for several issues, making Ivan Kronov the second Timely/Atlas/Marvel character (and first villain) to use the name.
There have been two unrelated Marvel villains known as "Electro" since; Max Dillon and Francine Frye.

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Russkie-Smashers MARVEL BOY II "Blast of Doom!"

Even though he was raised on Uranus, Robert Grayson is as all-American as anyone...
...and he'd defend the good 'ol USA against any and all Commie threats, whether they're Chi-Coms, North Koreans, or Russkies!
Note: the "Astros Invasion" involved an alien race, not Houston's baseball team (which didn't exist when this story was published in Atlas' Marvel Boy #2 (1951)!
Some days you just gotta let your inner nerd out!
Patriotic and a planet-saver!
Whatta guy!
Illustrated and likely written by Bill Everett, an under-appreciated creative who worked in comics from the beginning of the Golden Age in 1938 to the Bronze Age, when he passed away in 1973.

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which includes all of Marvel Boy's 1950-51 appearances as well as the 1953 re-intro of Captain America, Human Torch and Sub-Mariner
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Monday, April 8, 2024

Russkie-Smashers SUB-MARINER COMICS "Toying with the Russkies"

When in doubt, go with a classic... this case, a Bill Everett-scripted and illustrated tale of his greatest creation doing what he does best...underwater combat!
C'mon, admit it!
This story from Atlas' Sub-Mariner Comics #34 (1954) gives you that satisified feeling that all will be right with the world, doesn't it?

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Monday, February 26, 2024

Russkie-Smashers YOUNG MEN COMICS "Captain America Turns Traitor!"

...This Time, He's the Real Deal!
(At least 1950s readers thought he was, though he was later retconned into one of several Cap replacements before the real Star-Spangled Avenger was defrosted by The Avengers!)
The Super-Soldier Serum makes Cap invulnerable to psyche-controlling drugs?
Written by Don Rico and illustrated by John Romita Sr, this tale from Atlas' Young Men Comics #26 (1954) also features Bucky killing an entire Russkie sub crew!
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Monday, January 8, 2024

Russkie-Smashers SUB-MARINER (and Namora) "Unseen Invaders"

Let's celebrate the New Year enthusiastically with even MORE Russkie-Smashing...

...featuring Marvel's (retroactively) first mutant, Prince Namor and his cousin, Namora!
Written and illustrated by Subby's creator, Bill Everett, this tale from Atlas' Sub-Mariner V1N37 (1954) shows that, while Namor is as anti-Russkie as he was anti-Axis in World War II, Americans still don't trust him!
Marvel Multiverse note: the aliens resemble the Badoon, officially-introduced in Marvel's Silver Surfer #2 (1968)...who also used invisibility and flying saucers!
Bill Everett brought the Badoon into his final run on Subby in the allies of Namor's evil cousin Prince Byrrah!
I think not!

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Monday, December 18, 2023

Russkie-Smashers MARVEL BOY II "Phantom Pen"

...and we're going to close out the year with one more action-packed tale starring him!
Illustrated (and likely written) by Bill Everett, this tale fom Atlas' Astounding #6 (1951) was the next-to-last appearance (and final Russkie-smashing story) starring the character in any form until his revival as The Crusader in the pages of Marvel's Fantastic Four #164 (1975).
Note: due to constant reboots of Marvel Universe continuity since the late 1990s, this is now in dispute.

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which includes all of Marvel Boy's 1950-51 appearances as well as the 1953 re-intro of Captain America, Human Torch and Sub-Mariner

Monday, May 15, 2023

Russkie-Smashers HUMAN TORCH COMICS "Atomic Ray Gun Toy Terror!"

The Human Torch's return to his own title in 1953...
...after several appearances in other books featured this tale about the perils of toy ray guns!
(I kid you not!)
Though this story from Atlas' Human Torch #36 (1953) was illustrated by Dick Ayers, Carl Burgos (the character's creator/original writer-artist) redrew both the Torch and Toro's flaming forms!
Trivia: Though a number of the 1950s Torch and Toro tales were reprinted (with minor modifications) in the 1970s (after the Comics Code loosened up), this story was too violent to reprint until the 2000s!
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