Showing posts with label Marvel Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marvel Comics. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Heroic Halloween in Rutland "Rebirth!"

Technically, this material you're about to read is not part of the almost-mythical "Rutland Trilogy"!
But, since it "sets up" the situation for the final chapter, I'm including it as a prelude to the actual issue which you'll see on Monday!

Crusher Creel aka The Absorbing Man, is a long-time Marvel villain.
We now jump ahead a number of pages...
(The first panel is blurred because it really has nothing to do with this situation, but if I PhotoShopped it out, the page would look weird.)
Once more we see real-life Halloween Parade organizer and comics uber-fan Tom Fagan...
(On this page, I simply cut the bottom 2/3rds off since it has nothing to do with this particular plotline!)
We now jump ahead to the end of the story, as The Absorbing Man arrives in Rutland... 
You knew all along who it was, didn't you?
You've now seen how writer Gerry Conway and penciler John Buscema set the stage in Marvel's Mighty Thor #206 (1972) for the conclusion of the Rutland Trilogy!
Note: while DC sometimes did two, three, and occasional multi-part stories (such as the never-reprinted Silver-Age "Death of Superman" we presented HERE), those were the exceptions rather than the rule.
Marvel, on the other hand, was noted for serialized storylines that could go on for a year or more!

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Heroic Halloween in Rutland THE BEAST "...and the Juggernaut Will Get You...if You Don't Watch Out!" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

...Henry McCoy, aka the X-Men's Beast passing through Rutland on his way to Canada on a vital mission.

He meets several comic book professionals who have arrived for the annual Halloween Parade, which features participants dressed as superheroes!
Unfortunately, long-time X-Men foe Juggernaut is also there, projected from a mystical dimension he had been exiled to, due to the supernatural properties inherent to the Rutland area as shown in the previous year's Marvel Feature #2 when the dread Dormammu tried to sacrifice Dr Strange on a nearby mountaintop on Halloween (long story we won't get into here)!
When the Juggernaut appears, Hank becomes The Beast to stop him...
Real-life Parade organizer and party host Tom Fagan appears in almost all Rutland-themed comics, dressed as Nighthawk (if it's a Marvel book) or Batman (if it's a DC book).
You'll see him in this trilogy again!
The two blondes in panel 2 are Marvel's own writer/editor Roy Thomas and writer Jeanie Thomas, who appeared in both the previous Marvel Rutland comics.
To clear up several things...
The Juggernaut got better, and returned...and returned...and returned!
(You can't keep a classic baddie down!)
Hank did get to Canada, where his expertise helped save the world!
But those are stories for another time and blog...
OTOH, keep an eye on Steve's beat-up jalopy, which plays a role in the remaining tales!
And, Glynis did have a rather exciting time while she was separated from the guys, as you'll see...
Hint: It has to do with her wearing a Supergirl costume!
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Monday, October 4, 2021

Heroic Halloween in Rutland THE BEAST "...and the Juggernaut Will Get You...if You Don't Watch Out!" Part 1

We presented some basic info HERE, so read that before you begin this trilogy of terror!
Don't worry, there'll also be footnotes as we go along...

The three real-world comic writers we see here are Steve Englehart (balding blonde), Gerry Conway (long brown hair) and Len Wein (goatee), as well as Len's wife Glynis (whose real-life counterpart colored this story)!

In-joke: the real-life Steve Englehart had been writing The Beast's strip for the last five issues (as well as this story), so it's not unreasonable for "Marvel Universe Steve" to find Hank McCoy "familiar"!

Glynis is dressed as DC's Supergirl, which figures into the storyline in the other tales in the trilogy!
Also Marvel had to modify her costume insignia from "S" to "G" for legal reasons.

And on that ominous note, we end the first part of this re-presentation!
The explanation for Glynis' disappearance is in another of the stories in this trilogy.
Written by Steve Englehart, panciled by Bob Brown, and inked by Frank McLaughlin (with caricatures of the real-life comics creators by Marie Severin), this tale will conclude...
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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

St Patrick's Day Special NOT WHO YOU THINK: BANSHEE "Origin"

Before a certain Marvel villain-turned X-Man...
Art by Dave Cockrum
...acquired the name, there was this guy...who also used the name of a female Irish demon!
(And yes, I know Sean Cassidy's daughter now uses the name, but this is Hero Histories, not Heroines!)
Illustrated by Louis Cazeneuve, this premiere/origin of the Banshee plays more off the classic "Criminals are a cowardly, superstitious lot..." shtick with a costumed athlete than the later, sonic super-powered mutants from Marvel.
Of course I'm curious as to why a villain named "The Scorpion" is wearing a Devil mask instead of, say, a hood with an embroidered scorpion image.
Was he working on a really tight budget?
Debuting in Fox's Fantastic Comics #21 (1941) and continuing until the book was cancelled two issues later, the Banshee migrated to a new book, V... Comics, for it's brief two-issue run, then disappeared into comics limbo.
He didn't even appear in Dynamite's various Project SuperPowers series which brought back characters whose names had been co-opted by later, currently-trademarked (though totally-unrelated) characters like Daredevil and Yellowjacket.
(Blue Beetle is a whole 'nother story...)
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(Even without The Banshee, if you're a Golden Age fan, it's worth reading)

Friday, February 5, 2021

SPIDER-MAN, STORM AND CAGE "vs SmokeScreen" Part 2: Where There's Smoke...

Luke Cage is mentoring a teen track team of kids representing every district in NYC.
He confides to photographer Peter Parker, who's covering the team for a human interest story, that one of them, Bret Jackson, isn't performing up to his previous levels.
But why?
As Spider-Man, Peter recruits the X-Men's Storm to trail a couple of suspicious fellows who are supplying cigarettes to Bret and other kids!
Though Ororo eludes detection by flying after the creeps, she's caught when entering their headquarters...
And if that sounds familiar, it's the synopsis I used HERE!
Now let's continue this twice-told tale...
What would you do, True Believer?
If you're still undecided, perhaps this back cover will sway you...
And, as a final treat, here's the inside front cover with some background about the heroine and heroes...
Talk about deja vu...sort of!
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