Showing posts with label 1940s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1940s. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

CountDown To Halloween 2023 SUPERSNIPE "Halloween" Conclusion

...Koppy (SuperSnipe) McFad (wearing his original costume), celebrates Halloween by trick-or-treating with his friends Herlock Domes and Roxy, and ends up at the Van Welty mansion where the trio inadvertently helps an assassination attempt on the mansion's rich owner.
When news reports about the police suspecting the costumed kids reach Koppy and Herlock, they investigate in an attempt to clear themselves, discovering the "policeman" who tricked them was a fraud in a rented costume, which he discarded in a trash can!
After the costume store owner gives them the name of the man who rented the police uniform, the now-plainclothes heroes go in search of the criminal...

Usually, SuperSnipe triumphs despite his rather "Inspector Clouseau"-esque antics, but this time he not only figures out the clues (with a couple of handy coincidences), but deliberately puts himself in danger to keep the criminals in the store until the police arrive!
He may not have "super powers", but SuperSnipe proves himself to be a real hero...

Story and art for this tale from SuperSnipe Comics V2N12 (1945) by George Marcoux, who did all the "SuperSnipe Universe" strips himself!

Next Monday: "real" superheroes return to Rutland's Halloween Parade...but which ones?
A different multiverse?
Yes, there's a number of them!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

CountDown To Halloween 2023 SUPERSNIPE "Halloween" Part 2

...Koppy (SuperSnipe) McFad (wearing his original costume), celebrates Halloween by trick-or-treating with his friends Herlock Domes and Roxy, and ends up at the Van Welty mansion where the trio inadvertently helps an assassination attempt on the mansion's rich owner.
Discovering that they aided and abbetted a felony, Koppy and Herlock calmly assess the situation...
This tale of terror and trick-or-treat concludes tomorrow...

Story and art for this tale from S&S's SuperSnipe Comics V2N12 (1945) by George Marcoux, who did all the "SuperSnipe Universe" (including occasional strips featuring supporting characters) strips himself!

Monday, October 2, 2023

CountDown To Halloween 2023 SUPERSNIPE "Halloween" Part 1

You'd think a story about Halloween would begin a bit differently...
...but remember, this is a story about the Kid with the Most Comic Books in America, so it'll all tie together shortly...
This tale of terror and trick-or-treat continues tomorrow...

Story and art for this tale from S&S's SuperSnipe Comics V2N12 (1945) by George Marcoux, who did all the "SuperSnipe Universe" strips himself!
As for who this somewhat obscure character is, click HERE for some background!
And Check Out the Other CountDown To Halloween 2023 Participants by Clicking

Monday, October 17, 2022

He's Coming... theaters this Friday!

But, before that, we're doing a special four-day presentation of his origin (and only Golden Age appearance)...and his Bronze Age revival!
Be Here Tomorrow!!!
(because you really don't want to piss him off!)

Friday, July 29, 2022

Shark Week Special! THE SHARK "Sinister Secret of Pirate Island!"

....I'll just add that the adventure Neptune had with pirates was over two centuries earlier, when the old man looked like he was around The Shark's present age!
Now take it from there...
C'mon, you can't tell me you saw the Martian invasion plotline coming!
Remember, this was the beginning of the Golden Age of comics!
A creative working on these magazines could do almost anything, since there weren't any real "rules" or tropes or cliches to adhere to, so combining pirates with mutants with Martians was just another way to fill six to eight pages!
Writer/artist Lew Glanzman threw everything but the kitchen sink into this tale...because he could!
That was one of the kool aspects of those stories, and it's one of the reasons I and many others still love them!
We hope you've enjoyed this look at comics' first aquatic super-hero>
If reader response is good, we can present more time-lost tales of The Shark during next year's @SharkWeek !
It's up to you!

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Shark Week Special! THE SHARK "Father Neptune and the Pirates"

We're going to conclude #SharkWeek with a rarity for Golden Age comic book tales...
...a continued story...and one with a serious plot twist!
Before you go "politically correct" on us, let me assure you that the "native" you saw a page earlier was not, in fact, human!
If you were a comic reader in the 1940s, you'd have to wait an entire month to see the conclusion to this never-reprinted story from Centaur's Amazing-Man Comics #14 (1940)!
But, in 2022, you'll be able to discover the "native's" secret on Friday, only a day later!
Ain't scientific progress wonderful?

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Shark Week Special! THE SHARK "Planet of the Walking Dead"

The Shark seems to encounter a lot of scientists...mad or otherwise!
The obvious question is, why does he listen to them?
Admittedly, this never-reprinted story by creator/writer/artist Lew Glanzman from Centaur's Amazing-Man Comics #12 (1940) was written for a young audience, but several obvious questions come to mind...
  • Where was this unknown planet which was obviously closer to Earth than Mars?
  • Who were those three guys?
  • Why didn't the unnamed scientist who sent The Shark know about their flight?
Even though we never learn the answers to those questions, we will learn something about Martians in the Centaur Comics universe...on Friday!
But first, we take a detour to a bunch of pirates (along with the return of Father Neptune) on Thursday!