Showing posts with label WolfMan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WolfMan. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2015

WereWolf the SuperHero "Who He Is and How He Came to Be"

The final tale of Dell's WereWolf #3 (1966) was a re-cap of the hero's origin and capabilities...
WereWolf may have been ready, but the Silver Age comics audience wasn't since this was his swan song.
Writer DJ Arneson and artists Bill Fraccio and Tony Tallarico produced three issues of three different monster-based hero series, and next week we conclude with the last of them...the final issue of Dracula, featuring his gaining a costumed sidekick as well as a cameo from one of the other monster heroes!
Be Here Monday!
Same Dracula Time!
Same Dracula Blog!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

WereWolf the SuperHero "Day the World Almost Ended"

If you thought, as I did, that the previous tale would've made a great low budget film or tv episode...
...then this one would've been a kool bottom half of a double feature!
All in all, a pretty kool tale with lots of action...including an atomic explosion (with amazingly-little radioactive fallout)
If this was a Marvel or DC Silver Age book, radiation would've affected Thor, turning him into  some sort of mutant, perhaps even an actual werewolf!
Unfortunately, the creative team didn't pursue that plotline in the book's final story, which we'll see tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

WereWolf the SuperHero "Claws of the Dragon"

Sent to rescue downed American General Fracas, WereWolf allows himself to be captured by the Communist Chinese in order to be put in the same prison as the general.
Once inside, he breaks out...
It's not often you see a superhero rake his opponents with machine-gun fire, eh?
(Remember, this was the Silver Age, when costumed characters rarely, if ever, killed anyone!)
Written by DJ Arneson and illustrated by Bill Fraccio and Tony Tallarico, this never-reprinted tale from Dell's WereWolf #3 (1967) was one of three tales that made one long narrative.
You'll see the second, complete part, tomorrow.

Monday, October 19, 2015

WereWolf the SuperHero "Jump to Danger"

Despite being the least monster-like of the Monster SuperHeroes...
...WereWolf actually had better plotting than the others, as well as a less-campy approach.
The James Bond-style action continues...

Thursday, October 8, 2015

WereWolf the SuperHero "Strange Reunion at Sea"

When you looked for our entry for Coundown to Halloween 2015, you expected this...
...instead you're seeing this...
To make a long story short, this week's posts have been the second issue of the weakest of the three Silver Age series adapting Universal Monsters into super-heroes.
There are several completests who requested that we run this series as well as the better-known Dracula and Frankenstein, since it's never been reprinted, and the back issues are extremely hard-to-find.
So, if you bear with us, when you reach the end of this post, you'll find some exciting news...
So ends the second chapter of the super-hero version of The WolfMan!
Next Monday, we return to some major monster-on-monster action as...
...we present the final, never-reprinted issue of Frankenstein!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

WereWolf the SuperHero "Chinese Water Devils"

When Last We Left Our SuperHero/Super-Spy...
...he, disguised as a hapless civilian, had deliberately fallen overboard from the nuclear submarine Patrick Henry in order to switch to his fighting gear...
Be Here for the Thrilling Finale...