Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2024

Russkie-Smashers CAPTAIN ATOM II "An Ageless Weapon"

When You Need Vitally-Important Defense Plans Safely-Delivered...

...Only One Man Can Do the Job...Guaranteed!
Written by Joe Gill and illustrated by Steve Ditko, this is a short-but-sweet tale from Charlton's Space Adventures #39 (1961) about beating the Commies at their own game of deceit and deception by utilizing something...or rather someone...they don't expect!

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Russkie-Smashers SPACE ADVENTURES "Captain Atom II '...on Planet X' "

Despite the misleading title, Our Russkie-Smashing Hero never leaves Earth orbit... you'll see in this tale from Charlton's Space Adventures #36 (1960)!
Writer Joe Gill and illustrator Steve Ditko jammed a lot into just five pages!
These days, that'd be a whole issue, if not a two-parter!
As you saw, "Planet X" was, in fact, an artificial satellite, not another planet!
But the code-name made for a catchy title for an extremely-action-packed tale, eh?
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Captain Atom

Monday, April 10, 2023

Russkie-Smashers/ChiCom-Crushers AVENGER "One Man War!"

...let's look at how one of our favorite Russkie-Smashers was also a ChiCom-Crusher in a story (from 1955) that shows an amazingly-similar concept!
With both the North Koreans and the Red Chinese threatening the world...again...we believe it's only fair and right that we add them into the weekly rotation of Smashers, Crushers, and Clobberers, especially since most of the characters we've been re-presenting fought them along with the Russkies!
In this tale from Magazine Entertainment's Avenger #3 (1955) by writer Gardner Fox and artist Bob Powell, the Russkies are supplying the ChiComs with the armament and tech, while today the roles are reversed as technologically-superior Red China provides tech and armament to a struggling Russia!
Note: there are historical tie-ins, since the Russkies supplied the North Koreans with aircraft and pilots during the Korean War, and now the NKs are supplying ex-KGB guy Putin with armaments against Ukraine.
In addition, the Red Chinese assisted the North Koreans with arms and troops during the Korean War.
Technological Note: All the Asians (both good and bad) in this story have a skin tone of 50% Yellow!
While it's an improvement from the "bright lemon" 100% Yellow used during the Golden Age, it's still not quite correct!
Next week: another of our Russkie-Smashers shows versatility as a ChiCom-Crusher or NoKo-Clobberer!
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(Though, technically, The Avenger is a Silver-Age Hero!)

Monday, December 26, 2022

Russkie Savers SPACE ADVENTURES "Captain Atom: 2nd Man in Space"

Putin didn't take a holiday over Christmas, continuing to attack Ukrainian targets...

...but we Americans are far more benevolent than the ex-KGB putz and his allies!
So, in the spirit of the season...
This tale from Charlton's Space Adventures V3N34 (1960) was published almost a year before the USSR's Yuri Gargarin became the first man in space on April 12, 1961.
Note: Not to minimize the achievement, but Gargarin made only one orbit before returning to Earth.
But the fact the Soviets had put both the first satellite (Sputnik) and the first man into space made America all the more determined to beat them to the Moon...which we did!
BTW, the "vaccine" in this tale written by Joe Gill and illustrated by Steve Ditko is total hogwash.
No drug would've counteracted the effects of acceleration on a human body!
Next Week:
No More "Mr Nice Guy!"
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Monday, November 21, 2022

Russkie-Smashers SUB-MARINER "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie"

Despite the fact the US government tended to blame him for Russkie actions as shown HERE...

...Prince Namor kept trying to show he was one of the "good guys"!
Namor's creator, Bill Everett, wrote and illustrated this tale from Atlas' Sub-Mariner #33 (1954) which shows the Avenging Son at his snarky best!
Next week, we return to our rotating cast of Russkie-smashers, and you'll have to be here to see who it is!

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Monday, November 14, 2022

Russkie-Smashers MEN'S ADVENTURES "Sub-Mariner (and Namora) in 'Killer Whales' "

Time, once again, to kick Commie butt...
...with the super-powered guy who hates all surface men...but especially Russkies!
And you wonder why he's an "anti-hero"?
Namor's creator, Bill Everett, wrote and illustrated this tale from Atlas' Men's Adventure #28 (1954) which shows Americans make mistakes, too!
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Monday, September 19, 2022

Russkie-Smashers SPACE ADVENTURES "Introducing Captain Atom"

Though an accident gave him his super-powers...
...his first assignment (of many) was to stop a Russkie atomic missile being used in a false-flag operation to blame America!
Captain Atom has enjoyed the longest career of any Charlton character, still going strong today as a guest star in various DC titles as well as a new mini-series every few years!
(Note: The Charlton version of the Fox Blue Beetle didn't come along until 1964, and the new Ditko version first appeared in 1967!)
Despite the blue/silver coloring on the interiors of his premiere in Space Adventures #33 (1960), Captain Atom was shown on the cover in his orange/yellow garb.
Also, his trademark hair-color change from red to white when he "powers up"  isn't shown.

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Captain Atom
Volume 1