Showing posts with label Japanese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japanese. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Asian Avengers GREEN TURTLE "The Vengeance of the Green Turtle"

We re-presented the Green Turtle's premiere adventure HERE... we continue with his second appearance, with a cover that's not by the strip's writer/artist, Chu Fook Hing!
How do we know?
Because you can see the Green Turtle's face...which was never seen before or after this!
And, his sidekick, Burma Boy is wearing a costume which also was never seen before or after this cover!
So, who did the illustration?
The answer is sadly, lost to the mists of time...
The Green Turtle's revelation of his origin was always interrupted by an emergency through the strip's entire run!
Talks about a "masked mystery man"!

The Green Turtle WILL Return...

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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Asian Avengers GREEN TURTLE "The Wrath of the Green Turtle!"

With all the negative "Yellow Peril" stereotypes in Western fiction about Asians like this guy...

...we're "counter-programming" by presenting heroic Asian and Asian-American characters in pop culture!
First up...The Green Turtle!
Created/written/illustrated by Chu F Hing, one of the few Chinese-American creatives in the Golden Age, The Green Turtle was the cover-featured character for the first four of the six issues of Rural Home's Blazing Comics anthology series.
Here's his premiere appearance (but not his origin) from #1 (1944).
May be NSFW due to mild racist stereotypes of Japanese characters common during World War II.
BTW, look carefully at Green Turtle's face throughout the story...
You may have noticed that The Green Turtle's face (even with his mask on) is never shown.
There's much speculation as to whether it was simply to create an aura of mystery about him or writer/artist Chu Hing's refusal to show him with White facial features rather than Asian.
His skin has the standard 25% Magenta/25% Yellow coloring used for Whites in comics while all the Asians have skin tones at 50% Magenta/50% Yellow.
At least the publisher didn't use the "Bright Lemon" 100% Yellow skin tone some other publishers used for Asians...
The Green Turtle WILL Return...
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