...an artificially-enhanced man equipped by Shiwan Khan to resist the Shadow's ability to "cloud men's minds"!
There was one more camp-classic issue of The Shadow, and we presented it several years ago HERE, HERE, and HERE.
It's the only issue of the series without Shiwan Khan!
It's the only issue of the series without Shiwan Khan!
You can also read the somewhat less-campy first issue (by writer Robert Bernstein and artist John Rosenberger) on this blog by clicking HERE, HERE, and HERE!
We haven't done #2 yet, but we'll get to it soon!
PLUS: You can read the text feature revamping The Shadow's origin that ran through all eight issues of the comic series by clicking HERE....which leads us into...
We haven't done #2 yet, but we'll get to it soon!
PLUS: You can read the text feature revamping The Shadow's origin that ran through all eight issues of the comic series by clicking HERE....which leads us into...
...our presentation of the never-reprinted final "Maxwell Grant" Shadow novel from the 1960s which begins...
But, before that...
Thursday, head to...
for another never-reprinted comic tale featuring the pulp/radio, slouch-hatted, twin .45 automatic-wielding Shadow we know and love!
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