Showing posts with label superhero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label superhero. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

Russkie-Smashers MARVEL BOY II "Blast of Doom!"

Even though he was raised on Uranus, Robert Grayson is as all-American as anyone...
...and he'd defend the good 'ol USA against any and all Commie threats, whether they're Chi-Coms, North Koreans, or Russkies!
Note: the "Astros Invasion" involved an alien race, not Houston's baseball team (which didn't exist when this story was published in Atlas' Marvel Boy #2 (1951)!
Some days you just gotta let your inner nerd out!
Patriotic and a planet-saver!
Whatta guy!
Illustrated and likely written by Bill Everett, an under-appreciated creative who worked in comics from the beginning of the Golden Age in 1938 to the Bronze Age, when he passed away in 1973.

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which includes all of Marvel Boy's 1950-51 appearances as well as the 1953 re-intro of Captain America, Human Torch and Sub-Mariner
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Monday, December 18, 2023

Russkie-Smashers MARVEL BOY II "Phantom Pen"

...and we're going to close out the year with one more action-packed tale starring him!
Illustrated (and likely written) by Bill Everett, this tale fom Atlas' Astounding #6 (1951) was the next-to-last appearance (and final Russkie-smashing story) starring the character in any form until his revival as The Crusader in the pages of Marvel's Fantastic Four #164 (1975).
Note: due to constant reboots of Marvel Universe continuity since the late 1990s, this is now in dispute.

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which includes all of Marvel Boy's 1950-51 appearances as well as the 1953 re-intro of Captain America, Human Torch and Sub-Mariner

Monday, May 8, 2023

Russkie-Smashers MARVEL BOY II "Time-Bomb Terror!"

Though the comic was retitled Astonishing as of this issue... still starred Uranian-born (but quite all-American) superhero Marvel Boy!
You'll note Marvel Boy had to deal with bull-headed ineptitude by the G-Men!
Though the actual writer is unknown, it might be artist Bill Everett, whose Sub-Mariner experienced similar problems with Americans as shown HERE!

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which includes all of Marvel Boy's 1950-51 appearances as well as the 1953 re-intro of Captain America, Human Torch and Sub-Mariner

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

CAPTAIN GLORY "Power and the Glory!" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

...millennia ago, a highly-developed civilization discovered that humanity on Earth experienced natural disasters eight times previously which wiped out civilization and forced the survivors to restart from a primitive state in cycles of abut 15,000 years!
As their world crumbled, the "Ninth Men" prepared suspended-animation chambers which would preserve the best scientific, philosophical, and military/support service people to assist the next civilization (aka "Tenth Men") when it reached its' 15,000-year "tipping point".
One such person was Captain Keltan, their greatest warrior.
But not all the selected subjects were altruistic.
Some intended to take advantage of the Tenth Men, and rule the future world!
The chambers, located under what is now Chicago, disgorged their subjects during a series of minor earthquakes (a very rare event in the Midwest), with Keltan's chamber being among the last.
Without others to guide him, and unable to speak any current language, the warrior is having trouble communicating with "present-day" (1993) humans...

To Be Continued Next Tuesday at...

Created by Jack Kirby, developed and scripted by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Steve Ditko, this never-reprinted 1993 one-shot from Topps Comics was part of a trilogy of titles introducing the protagonists of the "Secret City Saga" mini-series that followed!
Next Monday:
Russkie Smashing, Chi-Com Crushing and NoKo Clobbering Resume...
...with the Least-Likely Hero of All!

Monday, April 24, 2023

CAPTAIN GLORY "Power and the Glory!" Part 1

We interrupt our ongoing Russkie-Smasher / ChiCom-Crusher series...
...with this introductory chapter into the KirbyVerse which debuted 30 years ago this month!
To Be Concluded...
Created by Jack Kirby, written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Steve Ditko, this never-reprinted one-shot from Topps Comics was part of a trilogy of titles introducing the protagonists of the Secret City Saga mini-series that followed,
Read the previous chapters...
Secret City Saga #0
Bombast #1

Monday, April 10, 2023

Russkie-Smashers/ChiCom-Crushers AVENGER "One Man War!"

...let's look at how one of our favorite Russkie-Smashers was also a ChiCom-Crusher in a story (from 1955) that shows an amazingly-similar concept!
With both the North Koreans and the Red Chinese threatening the world...again...we believe it's only fair and right that we add them into the weekly rotation of Smashers, Crushers, and Clobberers, especially since most of the characters we've been re-presenting fought them along with the Russkies!
In this tale from Magazine Entertainment's Avenger #3 (1955) by writer Gardner Fox and artist Bob Powell, the Russkies are supplying the ChiComs with the armament and tech, while today the roles are reversed as technologically-superior Red China provides tech and armament to a struggling Russia!
Note: there are historical tie-ins, since the Russkies supplied the North Koreans with aircraft and pilots during the Korean War, and now the NKs are supplying ex-KGB guy Putin with armaments against Ukraine.
In addition, the Red Chinese assisted the North Koreans with arms and troops during the Korean War.
Technological Note: All the Asians (both good and bad) in this story have a skin tone of 50% Yellow!
While it's an improvement from the "bright lemon" 100% Yellow used during the Golden Age, it's still not quite correct!
Next week: another of our Russkie-Smashers shows versatility as a ChiCom-Crusher or NoKo-Clobberer!
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(Though, technically, The Avenger is a Silver-Age Hero!)