Showing posts with label Steve Ditko. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steve Ditko. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2024

Russkie-Smashers CAPTAIN ATOM II "An Ageless Weapon"

When You Need Vitally-Important Defense Plans Safely-Delivered...

...Only One Man Can Do the Job...Guaranteed!
Written by Joe Gill and illustrated by Steve Ditko, this is a short-but-sweet tale from Charlton's Space Adventures #39 (1961) about beating the Commies at their own game of deceit and deception by utilizing something...or rather someone...they don't expect!

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Russkie-Smashers SPACE ADVENTURES "Captain Atom II '...on Planet X' "

Despite the misleading title, Our Russkie-Smashing Hero never leaves Earth orbit... you'll see in this tale from Charlton's Space Adventures #36 (1960)!
Writer Joe Gill and illustrator Steve Ditko jammed a lot into just five pages!
These days, that'd be a whole issue, if not a two-parter!
As you saw, "Planet X" was, in fact, an artificial satellite, not another planet!
But the code-name made for a catchy title for an extremely-action-packed tale, eh?
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Captain Atom

Monday, December 4, 2023

Russkie-Smashers LIBERTY BELLE "Freedom's Star"

The Russkies continued to be a threat into the 1970s and early 1980s... this never-reprinted tale from Charlton's E-Man V1N5 (1974) so aptly demonstrates!
Apparently, the audience interest wasn't there, since the concluding chapter never appeared!.
Note: I, in fact, did write in, but I may have well been the only one!
The script, besides dealing with Commies, also goes into Women's Lib, which was in its' heyday.
The character has reappeared recently, without any mention of what happened on the space station!
And, before you ask, the Golden Age DC character, also named Liberty Belle, hadn't appeared since 1947, except in a 1972 reprint, so the name/trademark was available at the time.
DC's character would reappear in new stories in 1981 and her daughter, also called Liberty Belle, would debut in 2006, sometimes working alongside her mother!
Both still appear in DC books to this day.

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Monday, June 26, 2023

Russkie Smashers INDIANA JONES "Trial of the Golden Guns" Chapter 2B

Cover art by Keith Pollard
Indiana Jones has accompanied the granddaughter of "Buffalo Bill" Cody to Ukraine (then part of the USSR) in her quest to recover her grandfather's pistols...
Plotted by Ron Fortier, scripted by David Micheline, penciled by Steve Ditko, and inked by Danny Bulanadi, this two-part tale from Marvel's Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #27 (1985) isn't officially "canon".

Speaking of Indiana Jones...our "brother" RetroBlogSecret Sanctum of Captain Video, ran the comic adaptation of Indy's first adventure, Raiders of the Lost ArkHERE
and is now running the comics-only sequel involving the golden idol that rogue archaeologist Belloq stole HERE!

Note: In July, Hero Histories will temporarily leave Russkie-Smasher mode as our annual RetroBlog Summer Blogathons begin with the re-presentation of the campy, never-reprinted...
...1960s The Shadow "costumed super-hero" series written by Jerry (Superman) Siegel and illustrated by Paul Reinman, and then segue into the re-presentation of the long out-of-print final "Maxwell Grant"-penned Shadow novel...
The Shadow: Destination Moon
But fear not, True Believers!
Russkie-Smashing will recommence after Labor Day!

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Monday, June 19, 2023

Russkie Smashers INDIANA JONES "Trial of the Golden Guns" Chapter 2A

...well, that took care of the synopsis, eh?
So let's just jump back into the action...
Is This the End of Indiana Jones?
Join Us for the Conclusion...
Next Monday!

Plotted by Ron Fortier, scripted by David Micheline, penciled by Steve Ditko, and inked by Danny Bulanadi, this two-part tale from Marvel's Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #27 (1985) isn't officially "canon".
Speaking of Indiana Jones...our "brother" RetroBlog, Secret Sanctum of Captain Video, is currently running the comic adaptation of Indy's first adventure, Raiders of the Lost ArkHERE!
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(...the only place this story's ever been reprinted!)