Showing posts with label Rick Veitch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rick Veitch. Show all posts

Monday, February 19, 2024

Russkie-Smashers 1963: TALES OF THE UNCANNY "U.S.A. in 'Double-Deal in Dallas!' "

In 1993, writer Alan Moore and a team of very talented illustrators...

...created a loving tribute to the Silver Age of comics, a six-issue mini-series mimicking the era's style right down to the advertising...
...and covers!
With pardonable pride, we now present a tale of the series' resident Russkie-Smasher...
Note the date on the newspaper under U.S.A.'s foot!
In the universe of 1963, JFK survived the assassination attempt which succeeded in real-life!
While the six-issue mini-series came out as scheduled, the sequel 1963 80-Page Annual, a crossover featuring WildC.A.T.S., Spawn, Supreme, ShadowHawk, YoungBlood and Savage Dragon in the Image Comics multiverse, was never produced.
There were rumors in 2022 of writer/artist Don Simpson doing the book, but they've apparently been just rumors!
1963 the mini-series has never been reprinted in any format...and never will!