Showing posts with label Enrique Torres. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enrique Torres. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2017

Reading Room WOLFF "Daughter of the Witch"

...that pretty much covers it!
Carry on...
This never-seen-in-America chapter of the Wolff saga from New England Library's Dracula #8 (1972), by Luis Gaska (aka Sadko) and Estaban Maroto takes us into uncharted territory!
What is "worse to come"?
We'll find out...soon!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Reading Room: WOLFF "Mother of Waters"

At last, the never-seen (in America) continuation of the saga of Wolff... our post-apocalyptic barbarian and Galadra meet...guess who?
This tale from New England Library's Dracula #7 (1972), by Luis Gaska (aka Sadko) and Estaban Maroto takes a tragic turn.
But, it also sets up a major change in the storyline, as we'll see in the near-future!
Don't miss it!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Reading Room: WOLFF "Manuscript of Rep-Tah"

...rescued from wolves by a woman who calls herself Galadra, Wolff joins her on a quest...
From New England Library's Dracula #6 (1972), the Luis Gaska (aka Sadko) & Estaban Maroto series just gets weirder and even somewhat psychedelic!
It also looks like somebody lost track of who's who!
Galadra looks remarkably like Rulah, who enchanted Wolff, turning him into a werewolf!
Was it a translation error? 
(The original version of this story was in Spanish!)
Note: this tale concludes the six Wolff stories included in Warren's Dracula TPB.
The remainder of the tales were never published in America, but we'll be presenting them over the next few weeks.
BTW, here's the cover to the issue by Enrique Torres (aka Enrich) using horror icon Barbara Steele as Rulah/Galandra!