Showing posts with label Amazing Adventures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazing Adventures. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2024

Russkie-Smashers AMAZING ADVENTURES "Escape on a Planetoid"

What if the Russkies had won the Cold War?
That's the premise of this never-reprinted tale from Ziff-Davis' Amazing Adventures #3 (1951)
Oddly, they never asked Rulak what happened to the second ship...
The writer and artist are officially unknown, but I see a great deal of Murphy Anderson's penciling style in a number of panels.
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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Heroic Halloween in Rutland THE BEAST "...and the Juggernaut Will Get You...if You Don't Watch Out!" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

...Henry McCoy, aka the X-Men's Beast passing through Rutland on his way to Canada on a vital mission.

He meets several comic book professionals who have arrived for the annual Halloween Parade, which features participants dressed as superheroes!
Unfortunately, long-time X-Men foe Juggernaut is also there, projected from a mystical dimension he had been exiled to, due to the supernatural properties inherent to the Rutland area as shown in the previous year's Marvel Feature #2 when the dread Dormammu tried to sacrifice Dr Strange on a nearby mountaintop on Halloween (long story we won't get into here)!
When the Juggernaut appears, Hank becomes The Beast to stop him...
Real-life Parade organizer and party host Tom Fagan appears in almost all Rutland-themed comics, dressed as Nighthawk (if it's a Marvel book) or Batman (if it's a DC book).
You'll see him in this trilogy again!
The two blondes in panel 2 are Marvel's own writer/editor Roy Thomas and writer Jeanie Thomas, who appeared in both the previous Marvel Rutland comics.
To clear up several things...
The Juggernaut got better, and returned...and returned...and returned!
(You can't keep a classic baddie down!)
Hank did get to Canada, where his expertise helped save the world!
But those are stories for another time and blog...
OTOH, keep an eye on Steve's beat-up jalopy, which plays a role in the remaining tales!
And, Glynis did have a rather exciting time while she was separated from the guys, as you'll see...
Hint: It has to do with her wearing a Supergirl costume!
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Monday, October 4, 2021

Heroic Halloween in Rutland THE BEAST "...and the Juggernaut Will Get You...if You Don't Watch Out!" Part 1

We presented some basic info HERE, so read that before you begin this trilogy of terror!
Don't worry, there'll also be footnotes as we go along...

The three real-world comic writers we see here are Steve Englehart (balding blonde), Gerry Conway (long brown hair) and Len Wein (goatee), as well as Len's wife Glynis (whose real-life counterpart colored this story)!

In-joke: the real-life Steve Englehart had been writing The Beast's strip for the last five issues (as well as this story), so it's not unreasonable for "Marvel Universe Steve" to find Hank McCoy "familiar"!

Glynis is dressed as DC's Supergirl, which figures into the storyline in the other tales in the trilogy!
Also Marvel had to modify her costume insignia from "S" to "G" for legal reasons.

And on that ominous note, we end the first part of this re-presentation!
The explanation for Glynis' disappearance is in another of the stories in this trilogy.
Written by Steve Englehart, panciled by Bob Brown, and inked by Frank McLaughlin (with caricatures of the real-life comics creators by Marie Severin), this tale will conclude...
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