Showing posts with label Next Issue Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Next Issue Project. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reading Room: CAPTAIN TRIUMPH "Origin" Conclusion

When military aviator Michael Gallant is killed by sabotage to his aircraft, his twin brother, Lance discovers Michael's ghost can, when Lance touches a "T" birthmark on his wrist, merge with his living sibling to become the near-invincible Captain Triumph!
From his first appearance in Crack Comics #27 to the end the title's Golden Age run with #62, Captain Triumph not only took over the lead story spot, but the coveted cover slot (which had been a rotating showcase of the book's various heroes) as well.

which features his first AND last cover appearances along with two other classic images!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Reading Room: CAPTAIN TRIUMPH "Origin" Part 1

The third issue of Next Issue Project is out...Crack Comics #63...
...and to celebrate, here's the first appearance of the cover-featured character, Captain Triumph, from Crack Comics #27 (1943)!
Now, that's an origin!
 The writer, as is so often the case with Golden Age tales, is unknown.
However, the artist is Alfred Andriola, who did the first few Captain Triumph stories, then left comic books for comic strips...working on the Dan Dunn newspaper strip with Allen Saunders before co-creating (with Saunders) the Kerry Drake series!
Be here for the exciting conclusion tomorrow...
Same Blog Time!
Same Blog Feed!

Check out the
 Captain Triumph
Comic Collectibles Shop!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fly the Halloween Skies with Sky Wizard!

In the 1940s, superheroes were the primary genre in both comic books and pulp magazines. The skies seas, and streets of pop fiction were filled with people in capes, cowls, leotards, or some combination thereof.
And, of course, a superhero had to have a super-power or gimmick that would set him (or her) apart from the crowd.
Which leads us to our feature character today...
Though he hasn't yet appeared in either Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers (except in a pin-up in the collected edition) or Erik Larsen's Next Issue Project, we at Atomic Kommie Comics™thought enough of Sky Wizard that we added him to the Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™ lineup without hesitation!
1) He's "the Master of Space"! Catchy, eh?
2) He's a scientific genius! (Funky weaponry and modes of transport a speciality!)
3) He can't make up his mind about what costume to wear!
He wore a different costume in each of his four cover appearances!
No fashion victim he! (And you thought Marvel's Janet Van Dyne-Pym and Henry Pym had bulging wardrobes!)
4) He appeared in Miracle Comics! ("...and if it's a good comic, it's a Miracle! Thank you! We'll be here thru Sunday! Try the veal...")
With a name like that, you know we had to find a spot for him, and his book, in our kitchy lineup!
So, if you're looking for a unique, Golden-Age superhero-oriented birthday or holiday gift (shirt, mug, blank sketchbook) for your pop-culture craving sweetie, you can't go wrong with Sky Wizard!

And, c'mon Alex, stick him in Project SuperPowers (The best Golden Age revival on the market! BUY IT!)!
Of course, then you'll have to decide which costume to put him in! ;-)