Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reading Room: PHANTOM LADY "Vortex of Scoundrels and Scandal!"

Page 1 is the book's 2-color inside cover.
More Matt Baker "good girl" art in the first of three stories from Phantom Lady #14!
When this story was reprinted as the cover feature in IW's Daring Adventures #12 (1963),
Art by Joe Simon
the splash page was left out, because the reprint publisher didn't have the cover printing plates, only the interiors for this issue!
FYI: Covers (on slick paper) and insides (on newsprint) are printed on separate presses (sometimes at separate locations) and combined later.
Because the splash page was missing, the reprint editor didn't know the original title, and renamed the story "The Great Stamp Robbery"!
The splash page above is blue and black, not four-color, because, until recently, inside covers of comics were either b/w or 2-color, with the second color being either cyan (blue, as in this case) or magenta (pinkish-red).
Since the plates for the cover weren't available, a new cover by Joe Simon was commissioned, which was nowhere as nice as the original Matt Baker cover, and features Sandra Knight's boyfriend Ted being much more heroic than in the actual story!

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