Showing posts with label HBOMax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HBOMax. Show all posts

Thursday, January 13, 2022

He's HERE! The Man Who Kills For Peace!

The Peacemaker Drops Today on HBO Max... why not learn the secret origin of the Man Who Kills for Peace?
Click HERE
...only if you really wanna know!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Origin PEACEMAKER Part 2 "Hostage"

He's the Man Who Loves Peace So Much, He'll Fight for It!
Though described by actor John Cena (who portrays him in the new movie The Suicide Squad and upcoming HBOMax mini-series The Peacemaker) as a "douchebag Captain America", the original version was actually far less, well, "douchey"!
Diplomat Christopher Smith engages Nora O'Rourke (a woman who is not what she seems) as his new secretary.
As he familiarizes her with her new duties, Smith also deals with several deadly threats against himself and associates (including O'Rourke) while explaining exactly what his mission entails!
He's surprised to discover she has figured out that he and the hero known as "PeaceMaker" are one and the same!
Of course, it's at that moment that a jet fighter launches a missile directly at his headquarters...

Sadly, the book ended with the next issue.
In the 1980s. after Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC revived and revamped the Charlton "Action Heroes" and integrated them into the DC Universe, giving a couple of them their own ongoing comics and making them Justice League members!
Peacemaker received a mini-series which revamped him into the schmuck John Cena is brilliantly-playing in The Suicide Squad!
Trivia: Though DC has reprinted the Peacemaker's fellow Silver Age heroes' (Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Question) strips  in their Silver Age Archives hardcovers, Christopher Smith's Silver and Bronze Age solo adventures have never been reprinted!
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....which, ironically, includes PeaceMaker!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

PEACEMAKER "Origin" Part 1

He's the Man Who Loves Peace So Much, He'll Fight for It!
Though described by actor John Cena (who portrays him in the new movie The Suicide Squad and upcoming HBOMax mini-series The Peacemaker) as a "douchebag Captain America", the original version was actually far less, well, "douchey"...
To Be Concluded
The character's co-creators, writer Joe Gill and artist Pat Boyette produced all the Silver Age stories featuring him, including this one from Charlton's Peacemaker #4 (1967)!
Despite his prominence in both the new Suicide Squad movie and the upcoming PeaceMaker HBOMax tv series, DC has not reprinted any of his Silver Age tales from Charlton nor his Bronze Age mini-series from DC in any format!
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Half-Baked Heroes from Comics History
(which, ironically, includes The PeaceMaker!)