Showing posts with label Jerry Siegel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerry Siegel. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2024

Russkie-Smashers LARS OF MARS "Terror from the Sky"

Commies and atomic weapons!
As the Frank Sinatra song says, "They go together like Love and Marriage..."
Could this be an attempt to set up an ongoing Lex Luthor-esque arch-enemy (but with lots of hair) for our hero in this tale from Ziff-Davis' Lars of Mars #10 (1951)?
The duo who created this short-lived series had a lot of collective experience with the Last Son of Krypton! Writer/editor Jerry (Superman) Siegel and and artist Murphy (Buck Rogers) Anderson (who did a lot of work on Superman during the Silver and Bronze Ages) incorporated a lot of Man of Steel-style story elements.
BTW, Raskov returns next issue with even more super-scientific weapons.
And, yes, the irony of a guy from the "Red Planet" battling the"Red Menace" of Communism doesn't escape us...

The cover paintings for both issues of Lars of Mars were painted by Allen Anderson, who was not related to interior artist Murphy Anderson!
Here's a "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"-style factoid (done in only four degrees)...
1) Ziff-Davis also published a short-lived adaptation of an actual sci-fi tv series, Space Patrol, illustrated by Bernie Krigstein.
2) Krigstein illustrated the first issue of another Ziff-Davis sci-fi series: Space Busters!
3) Bernie was replaced on interior art for the second (and final) issue of Space Busters by...Murphy Anderson!
4) Allen Anderson did the painted cover for the Space Busters issue illustrated by Murphy! (Norm Saunders had painted the first issue's cover!)
featuring the covers of both issues of Lars of Mars!

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Reading Room THE SHADOW "Showdown on Gargoyle Island!" artificially-enhanced man equipped by Shiwan Khan to resist the Shadow's ability to "cloud men's minds"!
There was one more camp-classic issue of The Shadow, and we  presented it several years ago HERE, HERE, and HERE.
It's the only issue of the series without Shiwan Khan!
You can also read the somewhat less-campy first issue (by writer Robert Bernstein and artist John Rosenberger) on this blog by clicking HERE, HERE, and HERE!
We haven't done #2 yet, but we'll get to it soon!
PLUS: You can read the text feature revamping The Shadow's origin that ran through all eight issues of the comic series by clicking HERE....which leads us into...
...our presentation of the never-reprinted final "Maxwell Grant" Shadow novel from the 1960s which begins...
But, before that...
Thursday, head to...
for another never-reprinted comic tale featuring the pulp/radio, slouch-hatted, twin .45 automatic-wielding Shadow we know and love!

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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Reading Room THE SHADOW "The Shadow's Amazing New Weapons!"

We Have Already Seen...

You gotta admit, scripter Jerry Siegel does know how to recap a story!

Should I point out that a radioactive power source sitting near someone's genitals for hours at a time could render that person sterile?

To Be Concluded...

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Monday, July 24, 2023

Reading Room THE SHADOW "The Shadow Battles...the Brute!

How so you stop a foe who's unaffected by your weapons or super-powers?
That's the question our campy cloaked crusader has to answer...before it's too late!
Since Shiwan Khan can't find worthy (aka people who won't turn against him) allies, he decides to go the "do it yourself" route and build one in this never-reprinted tale from Archie's The Shadow #7 (1965)! 

To Be Continued...

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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Reading Room THE SHADOW "The Shadow vs The Shadow"

When Last We Left The Shadow...

I'm going to let writer Jerry Siegel fill you in on what's going on...with the minor point he leaves out that Lamont Cranston is presently a prisoner of the villainous descendants of Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun...
And the baddies get away...again!

Visit Our "Brother" RetroBlog
for a never-reprinted tale of the cloaked 1940s pulp/radio Shadow created in the 1970s!
Then, return here on MONDAY as our campy cloaked crusader takes on another weird foe...and, of course, Shiwan Khan!
(Doesn't Khan have anybody else he can bug for an issue or two?)

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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Reading Room THE SHADOW "Captive of Terror Island!"

To give him his due, writer Jerry Siegel does synopize extremely well!
So, now that you're caught up, let's continue...
Yukal Torrg seems to be "inspired" by Cato, Inspector Jacques Clouseau's servant in the Pink Panther films, who was also instructed to attack him when he was least-expecting it.
(Though he didn't hate Clouseau.
It was just part of his job, which he performed with extreme enthusiasm.)

To Be Concluded...

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