Showing posts with label Black History Month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black History Month. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2025

Russkie-Smashers JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY "Invisible Woman!"

Sometimes, the Best "Man" for Russkie-Smashing is a WOman... this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' Journey into Mystery #43 (1957) aptly-demonstrates!
This story has a rather unique artistic pedigree
Pencils by Syd Shores, who is usually an inker, and inking by one of the (now) most famous pencilers of the era...Matt Baker!
Why did editor Stan Lee make these particular choices?
Did the artists themselves suggest it as a change of pace?
Did Lee want to test to see how they'd do in unfamiliar roles?
I'd note there's also speculation Baker re-penciled certain panels, particularly the ones focused on the female spy!
What's the truth?
We'll never know the answer!
Just enjoy the result!
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Friday, February 5, 2021

SPIDER-MAN, STORM AND CAGE "vs SmokeScreen" Part 2: Where There's Smoke...

Luke Cage is mentoring a teen track team of kids representing every district in NYC.
He confides to photographer Peter Parker, who's covering the team for a human interest story, that one of them, Bret Jackson, isn't performing up to his previous levels.
But why?
As Spider-Man, Peter recruits the X-Men's Storm to trail a couple of suspicious fellows who are supplying cigarettes to Bret and other kids!
Though Ororo eludes detection by flying after the creeps, she's caught when entering their headquarters...
And if that sounds familiar, it's the synopsis I used HERE!
Now let's continue this twice-told tale...
What would you do, True Believer?
If you're still undecided, perhaps this back cover will sway you...
And, as a final treat, here's the inside front cover with some background about the heroine and heroes...
Talk about deja vu...sort of!
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Thursday, February 4, 2021

SPIDER-MAN, STORM AND CAGE "vs SmokeScreen" Part 1

If you read this tale...
...this one will sound familiar...but look quite different!

The Story Concludes...
Using the exact same script by a unknown writer we saw HERE, penciler David Tata and inker Norman Lee re-tell the cautionary tale originally-seen in 1982!
However, the page between chapters about "Window Shopping Fun" and "Classroom Activities" was not redrawn for this version!
The book is now titled Spider-Man, Storm and Cage instead of Spider-Man, Storm and Power Man, since Luke Cage had dropped the super-heroesque "code name".
Exactly why the book was "recreated" in 1998 after being reprinted that same year is unknown.
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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

SPIDER-MAN, STORM AND POWER MAN "vs SmokeScreen" Part 2: Where's There's Smoke...

Luke Cage is mentoring a teen track team of kids representing every district in NYC.
He confides to photographer Peter Parker, who's covering the team for a human interest story, that one of them, Bret Jackson, isn't performing up to his previous levels.
But why?
As Spider-Man, Peter recruits the X-Men's Storm to trail a couple of suspicious fellows who are supplying cigarettes to Bret and other kids!
Though Ororo eludes detection by flying after the creeps, she's caught when entering their headquarters...

Now that the story's concluded, the comic presents the reader with a quandry...
What would you do, True Believer?
If you're still undecided, perhaps this back cover by John Romita Sr, will sway you...
And, as a final treat, here's the inside front cover with some background about the three heroes...

Penciled by Herb Trimpe and inked by Joe Giella, Marvel's Spider-Man, Storm and Power Man (1982) was commissioned by the American Cancer Society to discourage 'tween and teen smoking.
Oddly, the writer is unknown, but is suspected to be an ACS staffer.
Now here's where it gets wild...
Years later, the American Cancer Society reprinted the comic.
But, within a couple of months, it commissioned Marvel to re-do it...using the exact same script!
See the Result...
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Tuesday, February 2, 2021


Here's a hard-to-find educational giveaway comic that was both reprinted several year later...
...then re-presented that same year!
(We'll go into that tomorrow...)
Between chapters is "Window Shopping Fun"...
The Story Concludes...
Penciled by Herb Trimpe and inked by Joe Giella, Marvel's Spider-Man, Storm and Power Man (1982) was commissioned by the American Cancer Society to discourage 'tween and teen smoking.
Oddly, the writer is unknown, but is suspected to be an ACS staffer.
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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Before The Black Panther...LionMan!

Think the Black Panther was the first high-tech Black superhero?
Decades before him, a hero stalked the jungles and plains, defending them from evil men!
He's not only a scientist and athlete, but an American, as well!
LionMan made his first and only appearance in All-Negro Comics #1 (1946), a unique title for a number of reasons you can read about HERE!
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