Showing posts with label Carmine Infantino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carmine Infantino. Show all posts

Friday, September 1, 2017

PLASTIC MAN "Plastic Man's Fantastic Old Man" Conclusion

This cover scene does not appear in this story!
In fact, there's no simian of any sort in the story! 
Apparently, then-publisher (and cover penciler) Carmine Infantino's fetish for apes got the best of him!
Well, at least the captions are accurate!
This tale concerns the Silver Age Plastic Man's dad...the Golden Age Plastic Man!
Now in retirement, the older super-hero is about to lose his only source of income, his Plastic Acres retirement home to the notorious criminal King of Spades!
The two heroes and their sidekicks pose as a shiek and his entourage in order to catch the greedy King of Spades robbing them...
Oh, look!
Another ape (on the Jerry Lewis cover)!
Wow, they were everywhere in those days!
Though writer Arnold Drake would remain for the rest of the title's run, this was artist Win Mortimer's swan song as he went on to extended stays on both Legion of Super Heroes (in Adventure Comics and Action Comics) and Supergirl (in Adventure Comics, when Legion transferred over to Action Comics)!
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