Showing posts with label Superman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Superman. Show all posts

Monday, August 17, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics SUPERMAN "The Last Days of Superman!"

...the-often reprinted 1962 book-length tale shown above, which was based on the following never-reprinted post-Golden Age story from DC's Superman #66 (1950)!
BTW, in pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths canon, stories published before 1956 were considered to be tales of Earth-Two versions of Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman/etc!
You'd think a story this momentous would rate the cover, right?
The cover's totally-unrelated to any story in the comic, although it was seasonally-appropriate since the issue came out late summer-early autumn, during baseball season!
Illustrated by Al Plastino and Stan Kaye, and scripted by...someone (we don't know who), this was a reworking of an Adventures of Superman radio show storyline, though we haven't tracked down which specific one it was.
Trivia: All three versions indicate they are "real" (Not a Dream! Not a Hoax! Not an Imaginary Story!) and were all part of "official" continuity for the Earth-One and Earth-Two Supermen!
Why do three variations on the same story?
DC's editors believed the comics audience changed every few years as kids supposedly-outgrew reading them, so a story could be reworked six-seven years after initial publication and appear "fresh and original" to the "new" fans!
Lord knows what they'd think of today's comics fans and collectors, some of whom are senior citizens!
And no, I'm not telling you how old I am...
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(including Superman #156 which was a full-length reworking of this never-reprinted tale!)

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics ACTION COMICS "Substitute Superman!"

...the Man of Steel, now cured of the Kryptonian disease Virus X, returns to Earth to find, instead of a world in mourning for it's greatest hero, a planet where he's alive and well...but that Caped Kryptonian isn't him!
(BTW, the Neal Adams-illustrated cover is a cheat!
The other Superman isn't Kryptonian/Kandorian!)
The conclusion of this never-reprinted, multi-issue saga from DC's Action Comics #366 (1968) leaves several questions...
1) Do Kandorians (and Kryptonians) vote on everything...even emergencies?
This would explain why Krypton blew up!
They were busy taking a vote when it occurred!
(Good thing Jor-El and Lara probably used mail-in voting, eh?)
2) Why are the JLA members with masks still wearing them under their Superman masks?
(Especialy Batman and Flash, with those pointy earpieces!)
And why didn't J'Onn J'Onzz just metamorph into Superman's form?
3) Whatever happened to evil ventriloquist Ventor, whose plan to gain revenge on Superman started this whole storyline?
He's never arrested or punished!
The pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths multiverse ended in 1984 with him free as a bird!
And, yes, this story is in pre-Crisis continuity!
4) Was Luthor tried for murder (or at least, attempted murder, since everybody thought Superman was still alive)?
Writer Leo Dorfman, penciler Ross Andru and inker Mike Esposito made a valiant try, but it never really holds together...
Next Week:
Though this story arc is loosely-based on an earlier, much-reprinted Silver Age tale...
...which we're not re-presenting (though you can buy it below), that story was based on a never-reprinted Golden Age tale which, in pre-Crisis continuity, happened to the Earth-Two Superman!
You'll see that story
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(including Superman #156 which was the full-length predecessor to this never-reprinted tale!)

Monday, August 10, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics ACTION COMICS "Superman Lives!"

...infected by an incurable, extremely-contagious disease, the Man of Steel is being transported to the hottest star in the universe in order to assure his contaminated body's destruction...
What's going on?
Did Superman end up in some alternate universe?
Is this guy an imposter?
If so, why is the legendary Caped Crusader working with him?
The answers to these, and many other questions can be found on this blog... this storyline concludes!
(Hint: page 1 offers a bit of a spoiler...)
BTW, as happy as I am to see the Caped Kryptonian alive, his theory about the White Kryptonite is wrong!
Bacteria are single-celled organisms, neither flora (plant) nor fauna (animal)!
But, if you ignore that minor glitch, this never-reprinted conclusion of a multi-issue story arc from DC's Action Comics #366 (1968) makes perfect sense, so let's just go with it...
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(including Superman #156 which was the full-length predecessor to this never-reprinted tale!)

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics ACTION COMICS "Superman's Funeral!" Conclusion

...infected by an incurable (and incredibly-contagious) disease engineered by Lex Luthor, the dying Kal-El hurtles in a pre-programmed spacecraft towards Flammbron, a sun hot enough to incinerate his normally-invulnerable body to prevent contaminating anybody else!
During the flight, his life flashes before his eyes...
Did you figure out the secret?
Or will you have to wait until
Next Monday?
(At least you won't have to wait a month, as readers of DC's Action Comics #365 [1968] did!)
We'll give you a clue...
Superman's not on the cover...except as a memorial!
Dare You Miss It???
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(including Superman #156 which was the full-length predecessor to this never-reprinted tale!)

Monday, August 3, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics ACTION COMICS "Superman's Funeral!" Part 1

...and remember, this was in-continuity pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths!
Guess the whole "life flashing before your eyes" phenomenon isn't limited to humans...
We interrupt this touching look back at Kal-El's life and loves for just 24 hours.
Just be here...
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(including Superman #156 which was the full-length predecessor to this never-reprinted tale!)

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics SUPERMAN "Untouchable of Metropolis!" Conclusion

...infected by a Kryptonian/Terran hybrid disease that kills both humans and Kryptonians, Superman must exile himself in space before he dies and his corpse contaminates the Earth!
However, Lex Luthor, who combined the two pathogens into a "super-virus" offers a cure...for a price...
Unlike the readers of the never-reprinted DC's Action Comics #364 (1968) you won't have to wait a whole month!
Just be here...
Dare You Miss It???
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(including Superman #156 which was the full-length predecessor to this tale!)