Showing posts with label E-Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label E-Man. Show all posts

Monday, December 4, 2023

Russkie-Smashers LIBERTY BELLE "Freedom's Star"

The Russkies continued to be a threat into the 1970s and early 1980s... this never-reprinted tale from Charlton's E-Man V1N5 (1974) so aptly demonstrates!
Apparently, the audience interest wasn't there, since the concluding chapter never appeared!.
Note: I, in fact, did write in, but I may have well been the only one!
The script, besides dealing with Commies, also goes into Women's Lib, which was in its' heyday.
The character has reappeared recently, without any mention of what happened on the space station!
And, before you ask, the Golden Age DC character, also named Liberty Belle, hadn't appeared since 1947, except in a 1972 reprint, so the name/trademark was available at the time.
DC's character would reappear in new stories in 1981 and her daughter, also called Liberty Belle, would debut in 2006, sometimes working alongside her mother!
Both still appear in DC books to this day.

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