Showing posts with label NFTs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NFTs. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2022

What If Don da Con Actually WAS a SuperHero?

We interrupt our Christmas-themed blogathon to bring you... early (or late, depending on your chronological point of view) April Fool's Day presentation!
Our resident disgraced, twice-impeached ex-President presented a line of NFT "trading cards" featuring himself as (among others) a super-hero, a cowboy, and and astronaut...sort of a six-year old's wish list of future careers!
But we couldn't help wondering...Did Donald Trump, born in 1946, read comics when he was a kid?

And, if so, which hero did he dream of being?
No, despite being one of the single mightiest beings in the universe, Superman's stories required logical thinking to enjoy, and we've seen Donnie's not big on that, even now.
Captain America?
Certainly patriotic, but not powerful enough.
Donnie thinks BIG!
So there's only one character he might have read, and whose adventures are wish-fulfillment without having to think about how it works, much like how Don the Con ran the country from 207 to 2021.
Read the following, and compare the story (and captions) to Trump's descriptions of himself and how he'd be as President...
Written and illustrated by Fletcher Hanks, this surreal intro from Fox's Fantastic Comics #1 (1939) has little logic or even sanity in it's tale of almost-magical justice, much like Don the Con's own explanations of how he would deal with real-world problems.