Showing posts with label mythology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mythology. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Reading Room: NATURE BOY "Jiver from Jupiter"

Before Percy Jackson was...Nature Boy!
...the early Silver Age teen hero with amazing powers granted by the ancient Gods!
If this story from Charlton's Nature Boy #5 (1957) has the "feel" of some of the wackier Superman Family stories of the Silver Age, there's a very good reason!
It was written by Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel!
The dynamic art was by John Buscema, shortly before his return to Marvel Comics, where his renderings became the "house" art style for over 20 years!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Reading Room: NATURE MAN "Terrible Torrent" & NATURE GIRL "Trapping the Trapper"

Jerry Siegel followed the pattern established by his biggest hit...
...Superman, when he did Nature Boy, including an adult incarnation...
...along with a distaff version...
Nature Man appeared in Nature Boy #3, Nature Girl in #5.
Both strips were written by Jerry Siegel and illustrated by John Buscema.
While Nature Man is obviously a grown-up David Crandall, there's no explanation as to who Nature Girl is, how she got her powers, or why she has a pet elephant!
(Although I note, as an adult, Crandall finally puts on a pair of tights!)
These were their only appearances.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Before Katniss was...Diana the Huntress!

Long before Katniss Everdeen strung a bow, there was another archer-heroine... ancient Greek/Roman deity who received her own comic series in 1944...Diana the Huntress!
While the unknown writer/artist confuses Greek and Roman mythology (The Roman goddess "Diana" should be the Greek goddess "Artemis". "Mercury" should be "Hermes", etc.), his heart was in the right place, and, admittedly, "Artemis" was a less-familiar name to kids of the 1940s than "Diana".
The series debuted in Yellowjacket Comics #1 (1944), ran in all ten issues of the title, then disappeared!
It's never been reprinted, but we'll be running all ten segments over the next few months!
Watch for them.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Reading Room: NATURE BOY "Origin of Nature Boy"

Long before pro wrestler Ric Flair usurped the name...
...Nature Boy stood for truth, justice, and ancient gods (Huh?) as seen in his first appearance.
Rescued by "gods" who control various aspects of nature, he's given a portion of each of their powers, ala the Golden Age Captain Marvel...
...and he didn't have to say something like "SHAZAM!" to do it!
(Yeah, I know a couple of the deities overlap, and only one was an actual mythological god, but why quibble?)
Nature Boy only had three issues of his own title (which started with #3) at Charlton Comics before he disappeared from the comics scene..until now!But, within those three issues, the seeds were planted for an entire superfamily of Nature-heroes including Nature Man (an adult version of the hero from the future) and female counterpart Nature Girl.
This isn't surprising, since he was conceived by Jerry Siegel (co-creator of Superman) who knew a thing or two about that sort of thing.
To add to his hero cred, Nature Boy was drawn by John Buscema, who later did Conan, Avengers, and damn near everything at Marvel from the late 1960s thru the 1990s, so even if the stories were a bit silly, they looked damn good!

Nature Boy should be considered one of the first Silver Age heroes since his premiere was in 1956, just a couple of months before The Flash re-emerged in Showcase #4!
On that basis, we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ have revived Nature Boy as part of our Lost Heroes of the Silver Age of Comics™ line, on t-shirts, messenger bags, mugs and other kool kollectibles!
He was one of the first, but hardly one of the worst...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Reading Room: THOR GOD OF THUNDER "Blood Piracy in Shanghai"

The Golden Age Thor returns to battle a typical-for-the-period "Yellow Menace" Asian-stereotype villain in this tale from Weird Comics #5.
NOTE: this story may be NSFW due to the racial stereotypes.
Oddly, the Asian characters do not have yellow skin coloring, but standard comic book Caucasian flesh tones.
Despite the blurb in the last panel, this was Thor: God of Thunder's final appearance.
He didn't appear again until Erik Larsen revived him in Savage Dragon #141.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Video Fridays: The FIRST Live-Action THOR!

Thor (Erik Allan Kramer), Stan Lee, and The Hulk (Lou Ferrigno).
Face Front, True Believer!
Though Chris Hemsworth did a smashing job as The Mighty Thor, he wasn't the first choice to personify the God of Thunder in the flesh!
Erik Allan Kramer portrayed a somewhat headstrong Thor in the tv-movie The Incredible Hulk Returns.
Besides the quite-different costume, this version of Thor is two different people, the Thunder God and Don Blake (Steve Levett), a former student of David Banner's (Bill Bixby) who found Mjolnir and can summon Thor from between dimensions by holding the hammer and yelling "ODIN"...

And later the two team-up to...well, you'll get the idea...

Besides being a continuation of The Incredible Hulk tv storyline in a series of tv movies, this was a "backdoor pilot" to promote The Mighty Thor in his own tv series.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Reading Room: THOR: GOD OF THUNDER "Buddha's Golden Hoard"

Note that the Real Thor has white hair on this page, but red hair on page 3
The third appearance of the Golden Age Thor was presented HERE.
We now present his fourth tale.
Note: there are Asian stereotypes common to the 1930s-40s in this tale.
Definitely not Politically Correct, so this story may be NSFW.
Penciled and inked by Dan Gormley, this was the longest story of the Golden Age Thor's run.
Gormley's version discarded all the accouterments (helmet, cape, long hair) of the mythological god, and Grant's blonde hair is now red.
The final story will run soon.
Watch for it.