Showing posts with label Thing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thing. Show all posts

Monday, September 25, 2023

Russkie Smashers BEN GRIMM AND LOGAN "Connecting Flight" Part 1

...well, that's really all you need to know at this second.
So buckle up, kiddies and enjoy the ride...

To Be Concluded TUESDAY at...

Next Month...
More Halloween Madness in Rutland, Vermont as Heroes and Heroines from All Over the Multiverse Battle Mystical Menaces During October!
(After Which, Our Regularly-Scheduled Russkie-Smashing Will Resume!)
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Monday, September 18, 2023

Russkie Smashers BEN GRIMM AND LOGAN "Midnight Train to Moscow" Part 1

We Have Already Seen...

Logan and Ben Grimm are aboard an experimental flying wing piloted by Carol Danvers which is currently in Soviet airspace and being pursued by Russian aircraft lead by Natasha Romanoff (who is not currently using that name)...

To Be Continued TUESDAY at...

Written by Larry Hama, penciled by Kaare Andrews, and inked by Walden Wong, this never-reprinted tale from Marvel's Before the Fantastic Four: Ben Grimm & Logan #2 (2000) is set in the early Silver Age Marvel Universe timeline, at a point when Nick Fury still had both eyes and worked for the CIA, Tony Stark was just a weapons manufacturer, Logan was an agent for the Canadian Defense Ministry who had not yet been forced into the Weapon X program, Ben Grimm was a military test pilot, Carol Danvers was a Department of Defense employee, and Natasha Romanoff was...well, we're not sure what she's doing here!
In case you haven't guessed, this is a "retcon", filling-in previously-untold history about the characters.
Whether current Marvel continuity considers it "canon" or not, I can't say...and don't care!
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Monday, September 11, 2023

Russkie Smashers BEN GRIMM AND LOGAN "Mission to Nowhere" Part 1

Before the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Avengers, or S.H.I.E.L.D. existed...
Marvel's heroic characters battled Russkies...retroactively!
To Be Continued TUESDAY at...
And wait 'til you see why it's being run there!
(Hint: there are TWO Reasons!)
Yes, this is a crossover that'll run in both blogs for three weeks until the entire mini-series is re-presented.
Written by Larry Hama, penciled by Kaare Andrews, and inked by Walden Wong, this never-reprinted tale from Marvel's Before the Fantastic Four: Ben Grimm & Logan #1 (2000) is set in the early Silver Age Marvel Universe timeline, at a point when Nick Fury still had both eyes and worked for the CIA, Tony Stark was just a weapons manufacturer, Logan was an agent for the Canadian Defense Ministry who had not yet been forced into the Weapon X program, and Ben Grimm was a military test pilot.
It's a retcon, filling in previously-untold history about the characters.
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History of the Marvel Universe

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Reading Room: DOC SAVAGE "Black Sun Lives" Conclusion

In 1936, Doc Savage and his aides were visited by Lucinda Lightner who asked their help in stopping dangerous experiments by her husband, Dr Raymond Lightner.
In 1976, The Thing and Human Torch were visited by Janice Lightner, who requested their help in stopping her brother, Thomas Lightner, from recreating the expriments of their late father (Raymond Lightner)!
Both groups agree.
As each team approaches their targets (The same lab in both time periods), both father and son activate their experimental devices in their respective time periods and...

It ain't often you see Ben Grimm acting like a fanboy, but since Doc was one of his childhood idols, it makes perfect sense that a guy who can lift a Mack truck with one hand and hangs out with demi-gods like Thor or Hercules can be reduced to drooling hero worship by a non-superpowered (though incredibly-intelligent and physically-perfect) normal human.
(Hey, The Batman acts the same way with The Shadow, and the Caped Crusader parties with Superman!)
Note: there's lots of currently-available Doc Savage material (pulps, comics, movies, and even radio shows), all well-worth picking up (most of them are in my personal collection), but we're be showing only the stuff not included in those volumes!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Reading Room: DOC SAVAGE "Black Sun Lives" Part 1

A never-reprinted Doc Savage adventure...
...from Marvel 2-in-1 #21, (1976).
Due to licensing restrictions, this story wasn't included in Essential Marvel 2-in-1 Volume 1, despite the fact that BlackSun (later Nth Man and Mysterium) introduced in this tale has since become an ongoing character in the Marvel Universe.
...when the smoke clears, we'll see what happens
Same Blog Time!
Same Blog Feed!

Note: there's lots of currently-available Doc Savage material (pulps, comics, movies, and even radio shows), all well-worth picking up (most of them are in my personal collection), but we're be showing only the stuff not included in those volumes!