Showing posts with label Alan Weiss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alan Weiss. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reading Room: CAPTAIN TRIUMPH "Origin" Conclusion

When military aviator Michael Gallant is killed by sabotage to his aircraft, his twin brother, Lance discovers Michael's ghost can, when Lance touches a "T" birthmark on his wrist, merge with his living sibling to become the near-invincible Captain Triumph!
From his first appearance in Crack Comics #27 to the end the title's Golden Age run with #62, Captain Triumph not only took over the lead story spot, but the coveted cover slot (which had been a rotating showcase of the book's various heroes) as well.

which features his first AND last cover appearances along with two other classic images!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Reading Room: CAPTAIN TRIUMPH "Origin" Part 1

The third issue of Next Issue Project is out...Crack Comics #63...
...and to celebrate, here's the first appearance of the cover-featured character, Captain Triumph, from Crack Comics #27 (1943)!
Now, that's an origin!
 The writer, as is so often the case with Golden Age tales, is unknown.
However, the artist is Alfred Andriola, who did the first few Captain Triumph stories, then left comic books for comic strips...working on the Dan Dunn newspaper strip with Allen Saunders before co-creating (with Saunders) the Kerry Drake series!
Be here for the exciting conclusion tomorrow...
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