Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Reading Room: PHANTOM LADY "Avenging Skulls!"

Phantom Lady #16 brings us a new pseudonym, "Joe Logan" instead of the usual "Gregory Page", but it's still Matt Baker on the art illustrating a Ruth Roche script!
It's the only time the "Joe Logan" byline appears anywhere in comics!
 Matt Baker drew incredible women, but his skulls left something to be desired, which was odd, since his skeletal hands (like on the cover of #13)...
 ...were great!

Phantom Lady will return, next week...
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Friday, July 8, 2011

Reading Room: Return of the OTHER Cat-Man!

Beneath that skirt, Tarpe Mills' first comic creation is all MAN!
Apparently she lost his number, since this tale from Amazing-Man Comics #8 was this Cat-Man's last appearance!
The Cat-Man name would be reused for another Golden Age character and Tarpe Mills would go on to create another cat-themed series...Miss Fury!
Curiously, though other characters from Amazing-Man Comics (and the entire Centaur Comics line have re-appeared in Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers, this CatMan has yet to do so!  C'mon, Alex, you can find a place for him...er, her...er, whatever...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Reading Room: PHANTOM LADY "Killer Clown!"

Culture and crime mix when Phantom Lady goes to the opera...
...in another tale from Fox's anthology All-Top Comics, this time from #9, featuring the usual high-quality good-girl art of Matt Baker.
Phantom Lady will return in another tale from her own title, next week...
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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Reading Room: LONE RANGER THE MOVIE Part 4

The Lone Ranger and Tonto have become enmeshed in a plot involving a rich rancher who wants to move an Indian reservation off land that includes a mountain sacred to the First Americans.
But the rancher, Kilgore, is doing everything he can to incite the local settlers to take up arms and attack the Indians, including inciting race hatred!
Returning to town, The Ranger and Tonto again run into a band of "Indians" who display very un-Indian characteristics...
Can The Lone Ranger and Tonto stop a potential massacre?
Why does Kilgore want Spirit Mountain?
The Saga Continues 
The only blog devoted to Western comic books!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Reading Room: LONE RANGER THE MOVIE Part 3

Part 1 appeared HERE and Part 2 appeared HERE
When Last We Left Our Heroes...
The Lone Ranger and Tonto save a man being attacked by Indians who, in fact, aren't Indians!
The attacks tie in with plans by local rancher Reece Kilgore to force the local Native Americans off their reservation so he can acquire their land, including Spirit Mountain.
Now, Kilgore is secretly shipping in a load of high explosives.
The Ranger and Tonto plan to find out...
(BTW, Part 1 appeared HERE and Part 2 appeared HERE, in our "brother" blog Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™.  You didn't miss anything.)
Art by Tom Gill and Joe Sinnott.

Have Red Hawk and his braves "gone on the warpath"?
Or is something else going on here?
Same Blog Time!
Same Blog Feed!