Showing posts with label tv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tv. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Reading Room THE GREEN HORNET "Threat of the Red Dragons" Part 1

Continuing our 50th Anniversary celebration of the Green Hornet's TV debut...
...we proudly present the never-reprinted Gold Key Green Hornet #2 (1967).
Did writer Paul S Newman and artist Dan Spiegle see the tong-oriented GH episode "Preying Mantis" before creating this tale?
Will Kato get to avenge being KOed from behind?
Will The Green Hornet make a deal with whoever's behind all this, and then double-cross him/her?
And why is every Asian besides Kato colored yellow instead of a suntanned skin tone?
We'll find out the answers to these and other questions...
Same Hornet Time!
Same Hornet Blog!
(Oops, wrong show!)
Support Hero Histories
Visit Amazon and order the HTF 1966 hardcover...
The Green Hornet
The Case of the Disappearing Doctor

Friday, September 9, 2016

Happy 50th, Green Hornet & Kato!

Watch the premiere episode that aired exactly 50 years ago today!
Click HERE to see it!
Plus, here's a couple of "profile pages" from the never-reprinted first issue of Gold Key's The Green Hornet comic from 1966!
The rest of the issue is already on this blog HERE, HERE, and HERE!
The second never-reprinted issue will be available...
Same Hornet Time!
Same Hornet Channel!
(Oops, wrong show!)
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Visit The Green Hornet Poster Shop!
featuring digitally-restored and remastered posters scanned directly from the original comic covers and posters!
No second or third-generation images from books or earlier, shoddy, reproductions!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Reading Room THE GREEN HORNET "Ring of Terror" Conclusion

When Last We Left the Other Dynamic Duo...
Newspaper publisher Britt Reid discovers an old friend and her scientist father are being forced by gangsters to manufacture a drug that renders people susceptible to orders to perform illegal acts, then forget they ever did them!
In his alter ego of The Green Hornet, the masked man and his partner, Kato, break into the home of the scientist and his daughter, now serving as the criminals' base of operations!
What The Hornet doesn't know is that Reid's friend has been drugged, armed, and ordered to kill Reid himself!
Written by Paul S Newman (not the actor) and illustrated by Dan Spiegle, this tale from Gold Key's Green Hornet #1 (1966) followed the format of the first few episodes (playing up the "masked detective" angle, and downplaying the fight sequences) perfectly.
When polls showed that the audience wanted more action, additional fights were written in, playing up Bruce Lee's martial arts skills.
BTW, you'll note Mike Axford looks nothing like Lloyd Gough, who played him on the show.
Whether this was because Gough didn't license his likeness, or 20th Century Fox and/or Greenway felt Spiegle (who was extremely-good at realistic likenesses) made him look too old so they added hair, is unknown.
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The Green Hornet in the Infernal Light

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Reading Room THE GREEN HORNET "Ring of Terror" Part 2

An anonymous phone tipster alerts newspaper publisher Britt Reid to an upcoming armored car robbery.
As The Green Hornet, Reid and his partner, Kato interrupt the crime and capture the gang, but the leader gets away with the prize...drugs.
Oddly, the armored car guards aided the thieves, but can't remember doing so!
The next day, Reid sees Ellen Neill, an old friend, and recognizes her voice as that of the tipster!
But, before he can ask her, she's hustled home by a surly man she seems terrified of.
1) the armored car robbery occured near Ellen's home.
2) the gang leader quickly that area.
3) Ellen's father is a noted chemist, who hasn't been seen in public for an extended period.
Reid decides further investigation is warranted...
What will happen when The Green Hornet and Kato break in and confront both the gang, and a friend "programmed" to kill Britt Reid...aka The Green Hornet?
Find out as we present the conclusion...
Same Hornet Time!
Same Hornet Channel!
(Oops, wrong show!)
Trivia Notes:
The Hornet Scanner shown doesn't match the one used in the series.
Perhaps artist Dan Spiegle didn't have photo reference for it?
On the series, it's only shown in close-up shots of the rear hood, so its' design might not have been finalized and filmed when the live-action footage was shot, and photos from it provided for licensees' reference!
Britt is shown to be the one who developed the knockout gas (and probably other devices and weapons)
In all the earlier versions (radio, movie serials, and comics) of the characters, Kato is clearly shown to be the scientific expert of the pair, while Britt is more the strategist and "front man" who faces down the criminals.
On the TV series itself, the matter is never addressed.
They simply have the car and weapons and use them.
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The Green Hornet in the Infernal Light

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Reading Room THE GREEN HORNET "Ring of Terror" Part 1

Fifty years ago this week, The Green Hornet debuted on ABC.
From late 1966/early 1967, here's The Green Hornet's first comic book appearance in 13 years (since a 1953 one-shot comic based on the radio show)!
Can The Green Hornet figure out how the gangsters are pulling off these robberies with the aid of the victims?
And, what's the connection between his old friend and the criminals?
Only writer Paul S Newman and artist Dan Spiegle know the answer!
Perhaps they'll share it with us...
Same Hornet Time!
Same Hornet Channel!
(Oops, wrong show!)
Support Hero Histories
Visit Amazon and order the HTF 1966 paperback...
The Green Hornet in the Infernal Light
by Ed Friend (Richard Wormser)
Never reprinted, and extremely hard to find in good condition!