Showing posts with label Matt Baker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matt Baker. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Reading Room: PHANTOM LADY "Avenging Skulls"

Phantom Lady #16 brings us a new pseudonym, "Joe Logan" instead of the usual "Gregory Page", but it's still Matt Baker on the art illustrating a Ruth Roche script!
It's the only time the "Joe Logan" byline appears anywhere in comics!
 Matt Baker drew incredible women, but his skulls left something to be desired, which was odd, since his skeletal hands (like on the cover of #13)...
 ...were great!

Phantom Lady will return, next week...

featuring goodies emblazoned with cover art that Fredric Wertham railed against in Seduction of the Innocent.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Reading Room: PHANTOM LADY "Killer Clown"

Culture and crime mix when Phantom Lady goes to the opera... another tale from All-Top Comics, this time from #9, featuring the usual high-quality good-girl art of Matt Baker.
Phantom Lady will return in another tale from her own title, next week...

featuring goodies emblazoned with cover art that Fredric Wertham railed against in Seduction of the Innocent.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Reading Room: PHANTOM LADY "Satan's Cargo"

Besides appearing in her own title, Phantom Lady was also featured in the anthology All-Top Comics for several issues starting with #8.
While the art is still wonderful Matt Baker "good girl" work, the script is pretty weak.
BTW, most people don't realize that PL is even in these All-Top Comics issues since Rulah: Jungle Goddess, another Matt Baker-illustrated heroine, dominated the covers!
Phantom Lady will return, next week...

featuring goodies emblazoned with cover art that Fredric Wertham railed against in Seduction of the Innocent.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Reading Room: PHANTOM LADY "Red Rain"

When meteorology meets murder...
...only the pulchritudinous Phantom Lady can protect America from this perilous precipitation!
(Say THAT five times fast!)
The final tale from Phantom Lady #15 features art by the legendary Matt Baker, "good girl" artist without peer!
Our next tale, chronologically, will be from All Top Comics #8 as we present..."Satan's Cargo".
Look for it next week!

featuring goodies emblazoned with cover art that Fredric Wertham railed against in Seduction of the Innocent.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reading Room: PHANTOM LADY "World's Meanest Crook"

A startling story ripped from today's headlines...
...but it's from Phantom Lady #15, published in 1947!
Talk about "the more things change, the more they stay the same"!
Meet the menace of the man called...Foreclose!
If only our national economy could be corrected so easily...
According to the Grand Comics Database, while there's some Matt Baker work in the story, they believe the majority of it is by someone else, as yet unidentified.
I think it's primarily Baker with someone else assisting, but that's just me...  ;-)
Phantom Lady will return in...
"Red Rain"

featuring goodies emblazoned with cover art that Fredric Wertham railed against in Seduction of the Innocent.