Thursday, June 30, 2011

Reading Room: PHANTOM LADY "Satan's Cargo!"

Besides appearing in her own title, Phantom Lady was also featured in the Fox Comics anthology All-Top Comics for several issues starting with #8.
While the art is still wonderful Matt Baker "good girl" work, the script is pretty weak.
BTW, most people don't realize that PL is even in these All-Top Comics issues since Rulah: Jungle Goddess, another Matt Baker-illustrated heroine, dominated the covers!

Phantom Lady will return, next week...
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  1. How in the world does her boyfriend Dick not know that Sandra is the Phantom Lady?? She wears no mask & she doesn't even change her hair-do!!! lol

  2. Jim, they're not looking at her face when she's in what little costume she wears! :-)

  3. Ha Ha Ha!!! You're so right, BrittReid. Obviously, the Phantom Lady's famous "headlights" can be very distracting, even for her dim bulb boyfriend. lol
