Showing posts with label Jerry Siegel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerry Siegel. Show all posts

Monday, July 3, 2023

Reading Room THE SHADOW "Diabolical Dr Demon!" Part 1

Looking for this guy?
He ain't here!
But we do have a person in blue/purple and green tights with all sorts of weird weapons!
To Be Continued
Note: this never-reprinted story by writer Jerry (Superman) Siegel and artist Paul Reinman from Archie's The Shadow #4 (1965) was published only 20 years after the end of World War II, so the idea of first-generation Nazis (especially ones with high-tech weaponry) still running around and creating havoc wasn't unreasonable, especially in pop culture!
In fact, it's the basis of the newest Indiana Jones movie (set in the 1940s and the 1960s)... in theatres!
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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Reading Room: THE SHADOW "Game of Death" Part 3

...lured into a trap when he tries to break up a staged "mugging", The Shadow is forced to run a gauntlet of fantastic foes while protecting the man who is actually the mastermind behind the situation!
He Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men defeats all who oppose him, until he faces the final foe...
Written by Jerry (Superman) Siegel and illustrated by Paul Reinman, this never-reprinted tale from Radio Comics' The Shadow #8 (1965) was part of an attempt to revive the Shadow in print after reruns of the radio show became a hit on local radio stations due to the early-60s pop-art and Marvel Comics crazes.
You can read some of those tales HERE!
Trivia: this final issue of the Radio Comics version of The Shadow is the only one to not feature the character's arch-foe, Shiwan Khan!
Support Hero Histories!
Order this never-reprinted HTF 1960s Shadow novel from Amazon...
Shadow: Beware!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Reading Room: THE SHADOW "Game of Death" Part 2

...lured into a trap when he tries to break up a false mugging, The Shadow is forced to run a gauntlet of fantastic foes while protecting the man who is actually the mastermind behind the situation!
Is this the End of The Shadow?
Same Shadow-Time!
Same Shadow-Blog!
Written by Jerry (Superman) Siegel and illustrated by Paul Reinman, this never-reprinted tale from Radio Comics' The Shadow #8 (1965) was part of an attempt to revive the Shadow in print after reruns of the radio show became a hit on local radio stations due to the early-60s pop-art and Marvel Comics crazes.
You can read some of those tales HERE!
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Order this never-reprinted HTF 1960s Shadow novel from Amazon...

Monday, August 15, 2016

Reading Room: THE SHADOW "Game of Death" Part 1

In the 1960s, everybody donned a skin-tight costume...
..even characters who were never meant to do The Shadow!
Be Here Tomorrow!
Same Shadow-Time!
Same Shadow-Blog!
Written by Jerry (Superman) Siegel and illustrated by Paul Reinman, this never-reprinted tale from Radio Comics' The Shadow #8 (1965) was part of an attempt to revive the character in print after reruns of the radio show became a hit on local radio stations due to the early-60s pop-art and Marvel Comics crazes.
(The Batman TV series hadn't yet debuted)
Besides the short-lived superhero comic, there was a series of 10 new paperback novels that placed the legendary pulp/radio character in the spy-mad present day (1960s).
Walter Gibson wrote the first one under his own name, with the remainder penned by Denys Linds under the classic "Maxwell Grant" pseudonym.
Unlike the pulp series, these 1960s titles have never been reprinted and are quite hard to find!
Support Hero Histories!
Order this never-reprinted and HTF 1960s Shadow novel from Amazon...

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Before the Ant-Man, there was...the Fly-Man! (Part 3)

When The Fly returned in 1965, he was revamped...
... in an attempt to mimic Marvel Comics.
The Archie Adventure Line was renamed Mighty Comics Group (with a corner box graphic similar to Marvel's), and a new writer-artist team took over the book trying to match Stan Lee's scripting and Jack Kirby's penciling...
Writer "Jerry Ess" was Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel, who replaced Robert Bernstein, the initial scripter of the revamped Mighty Comics Group titles.
Artist "Paul Arr's" real name was Paul Reinman, whose one saving grace was that he was incredibly-fast since he became the primary artist for all the Mighty Comics titles* including Fly-Man (which became the anthology Mighty Comics Presents as of #40), Mighty Crusaders, and The Shadow!
Now if you thought this was bad, as soon as the Batman TV series hit in January, 1966, and "BatMania" swept the country, Archie Comics' editors forced Siegel to add exaggerated "camp" dialogue and plotlines to the titles.
Unfortunately, Jerry was no better at writing those elements, then he was at mimicking Stan Lee's style.
By mid-1967, the Mighty Comics Group and Fly-Man were gone from newsstands.
There have been several revivals of the characters since then, but The Fly was never called "Fly-Man" again.
When Belmont Books brought out a paperback reprinting some of the tales in mid-1966, Siegel wrote a new intro and finally received a credit for his scripting under his real name instead of the "Jerry Ess" penname.
BTW, you'll note that Fly-Man is not on the cover!
That's Turan, from the Fly-Man #36 (1966) cover at the top of this post, which makes some sense, since this tale from that issue is the only Fly-Man story in the book!

*Mike Sekowsky ghost-penciled a couple of stories, Joe Giella inked one.