Showing posts with label Archie Shadow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Archie Shadow. Show all posts

Monday, July 3, 2023

Reading Room THE SHADOW "Diabolical Dr Demon!" Part 1

Looking for this guy?
He ain't here!
But we do have a person in blue/purple and green tights with all sorts of weird weapons!
To Be Continued
Note: this never-reprinted story by writer Jerry (Superman) Siegel and artist Paul Reinman from Archie's The Shadow #4 (1965) was published only 20 years after the end of World War II, so the idea of first-generation Nazis (especially ones with high-tech weaponry) still running around and creating havoc wasn't unreasonable, especially in pop culture!
In fact, it's the basis of the newest Indiana Jones movie (set in the 1940s and the 1960s)... in theatres!
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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

THE SHADOW "Who He Is and How He Came to Be!" Chapter 8


Radio Comics' The Shadow was canceled as of this issue (#8 [1965]).
Whatever conclusion the anonymous writer had in mind will never be revealed.
In the early 1980s, I worked for JC Comics (which was based at the Archie Comics offices) and also assisted on a couple of the Red Circle superhero comics as needed.
I enquired of editor Victor Gorlick, whose career at Archie spanned decades, from the Golden Age up to his retirement in the early 2010s, if there was any unpublished Shadow material.
He said there once was, but it had "disappeared", and he didn't remember who had written the text pieces!
Perhaps only The Shadow Knows...
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Monday, August 23, 2021

THE SHADOW "Who He Is and How He Came to Be" Chapter 1

With the most extensive revamp/reboot to the character since the 1960s Radio Comics version... James Patterson and Brian Sitts (now in bookstores and at Amazon)...
...we hereby present the updated (as of the Silver Age) origin/reboot of He Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men from Radio Comics The Shadow, beginning with this entry from #1 (1964)...
To Be Continued
This ongoing text feature ran through the entire Radio Comics series (1964-1965).
The writer is unknown, but it might have been either Robert Bernstein (who wrote the first couple of issues of the comic, before it became a "campy" costumed superhero title under writer Jerry (Superman) Siegel...
...or Denys Lynds who scripted the updated, superspy-style Shadow novels being published simultaneously by Belmont Books...
...or somebody entirely different!
Only the Shadow Knows!
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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Reading Room: THE SHADOW "Game of Death" Part 3

...lured into a trap when he tries to break up a staged "mugging", The Shadow is forced to run a gauntlet of fantastic foes while protecting the man who is actually the mastermind behind the situation!
He Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men defeats all who oppose him, until he faces the final foe...
Written by Jerry (Superman) Siegel and illustrated by Paul Reinman, this never-reprinted tale from Radio Comics' The Shadow #8 (1965) was part of an attempt to revive the Shadow in print after reruns of the radio show became a hit on local radio stations due to the early-60s pop-art and Marvel Comics crazes.
You can read some of those tales HERE!
Trivia: this final issue of the Radio Comics version of The Shadow is the only one to not feature the character's arch-foe, Shiwan Khan!
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Order this never-reprinted HTF 1960s Shadow novel from Amazon...
Shadow: Beware!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Reading Room: THE SHADOW "Game of Death" Part 2

...lured into a trap when he tries to break up a false mugging, The Shadow is forced to run a gauntlet of fantastic foes while protecting the man who is actually the mastermind behind the situation!
Is this the End of The Shadow?
Same Shadow-Time!
Same Shadow-Blog!
Written by Jerry (Superman) Siegel and illustrated by Paul Reinman, this never-reprinted tale from Radio Comics' The Shadow #8 (1965) was part of an attempt to revive the Shadow in print after reruns of the radio show became a hit on local radio stations due to the early-60s pop-art and Marvel Comics crazes.
You can read some of those tales HERE!
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Order this never-reprinted HTF 1960s Shadow novel from Amazon...