Monday, June 13, 2022

Russkie-Smashers FIGHTING AMERICAN and SPEEDBOY "Poison Ivan and Hotski Trotski"

Even though it's almost Flag Day...
...patriotic super-heroes don't take a holiday from Russkie-smashing!
They just keep going, like muscular Energizer Bunnies!
(BTW, Jack Kirby penciled and inked the cover, a rarity...even in the 1950s!
And the cover spells villain Hotski Trotski's name as "Hotsky"! )

This cover-featured tale from Prize's Fighting American #3 (1954), features the full-on satirical style the series became famous for!
As with almost all the Simon & Kirby Studio work for Prize, it's hard to tell where Jack leaves off and Joe begins...and vice versa!
One of the complications when two creatives who are both writer/artists collaborate, I suppose...


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