Monday, January 23, 2023

Russkie-Smashers MAN COMICS "Bob Brant and the Trouble-Shooters in 'Behind the False Face!' "

You don't need to be a superhero, aviator, or even a space-going cowboy to smash Russkies!
Sometimes, it just takes a group of all-American kids to do the job!
With almost all superheroes banished from the four-color pages of comic books after the ned of World War II, somebody had to take up the slack against the Russkies and Red Chinese and North Koreans!
Atlas Comics' editor Stan Lee combined the still-popular "kid gang" sub-genre with anti-Commie action in this short-lived series.
And, before you ask, they did end up battling Russkies on the Moon!
(I believe anyone who was anyone in 1950s comics had to do that at least once!)
But, that was after their premiere in this never-reprinted adventure from Atlas' Man Comics #26 (1953), illustrated by Carl Hubbell.
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Newsboy Legion
Volume 1

Joe Simon & Jack Kirby

The First Kid Gang in Comic Books!

Monday, January 16, 2023

Russkie-Smashers BLACKHAWK "Where Will They Attack Next?"

Blackhawk started out as an Axis-smasher during World War II.
Here, in this never-reprinted tale from Quality's Blackhawk #39 (1951) is where he became a Russkie-Smasher!

Penciled by Reed Crandall and inked by Chuck Cuidera, the first anti-Russian story involved a super-weapon (the Skybase).
The Russians were shown to be as ingenious as the Germans and Japanese in producing technology equal to...or even surpassing...our own!

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The only novel based on the comic book!

Monday, January 9, 2023

Russkie-Smashers COMMANDER BATTLE AND THE ATOMIC SUB "Death of the H-Bomb!"

When an atomic bomb launched from the Moon hits Earth, the Atomic Sub is hastily converted to an atomic spaceship.
The Atomic Commandos journey to the Moon, where they discover a race of humanoids angry at Earthmen since other Earthmen (Russians) built an atomic missile base there, while killing curious moonpeople who tried to communicate with them!
Sentenced to death by the leader of the Moonmen, the unarmed Commandos face a huge lizard, while the sub is about to be destroyed by atomic plasma fire.
However, aboard the sub is a young "Become a Junior Atomic Commando Contest" winner...who's developed a telepathic transmitter/receiver!
Whatta guy!
(And don't worry!
There are Russkies lurking about, just waiting to be smashed!)
So now the kid's a full-time member...
This never-reprinted tale from ACG's Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub #3 (1954) was produced by series creators Richard Hughes (writer) and Sheldon Moldoff (illustrator).

Monday, January 2, 2023

Russkie-Smashers COMMANDER BATTLE AND THE ATOMIC SUB "Journey to the Moon with the Atomic Commandos!"

Commander Battle and His Atomic Commandos guard democracy from the Russkies...
...even on the Moon...using their atomic submarine to get there!
(You read that right!)
Be Here
for the astounding conclusion...
I'm surprised Irwin Allen never did a Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea episode like this!
Making a submarine into a spaceship seems like the sort of thing he would've loved to do.
Adding a kid sidekick, though, is never a good idea.
They end up taking over the spotlight, and the series' emphasis goes from soft sci-fi to kid-show.
Note: SeaQuest DSV did have it's sub go into outer space...transported by aliens to their homeworld!
This never-reprinted tale from ACG's Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub #3 (1954) was produced by series creators Editor Richard Hughes (writer) and Sheldon Moldoff (illustrator).

Monday, December 26, 2022

Russkie Savers SPACE ADVENTURES "Captain Atom: 2nd Man in Space"

Putin didn't take a holiday over Christmas, continuing to attack Ukrainian targets...

...but we Americans are far more benevolent than the ex-KGB putz and his allies!
So, in the spirit of the season...
This tale from Charlton's Space Adventures V3N34 (1960) was published almost a year before the USSR's Yuri Gargarin became the first man in space on April 12, 1961.
Note: Not to minimize the achievement, but Gargarin made only one orbit before returning to Earth.
But the fact the Soviets had put both the first satellite (Sputnik) and the first man into space made America all the more determined to beat them to the Moon...which we did!
BTW, the "vaccine" in this tale written by Joe Gill and illustrated by Steve Ditko is total hogwash.
No drug would've counteracted the effects of acceleration on a human body!
Next Week:
No More "Mr Nice Guy!"
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