Thursday, March 3, 2022

After You Go See THE BATMAN... might want to check out these rarely-seen, amazingly-kool earlier versions of the Caped Crusader...

Batman vs 3 Villains of Doom! numerous other never-reprinted tales...
The Batman Meets The Shadow!

The Batman Meets The Shadow...Again!

Batman Meets Jerry Lewis!

(Technically, this has been reprinted...but only in black-and-white!)

Thursday, January 13, 2022

He's HERE! The Man Who Kills For Peace!

The Peacemaker Drops Today on HBO Max... why not learn the secret origin of the Man Who Kills for Peace?
Click HERE
...only if you really wanna know!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

From Romeo & West Side Story (Twice) Best Side Story

With the remake of West Side Story opening tomorrow...
...we wondered...

What if the Silver Age Doctor Strange and Wonder Woman fell in love, just like Tony and Maria?
(After all, they were from two feuding "gangs", DC and Marvel)
We probably would've ended up with a serious version of this titanic tale...

Written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Tom Sutton, this comic company crossover classic was included in Marvel's Not Brand Echh! #6 (1968)...

...a romance-oriented issue that also included a look at how a Human Scorch (Human Torch)/Gristle (Crystal) marriage would work out, and Spidey-Man (do I have to tell ya?) marrying the unlikeliest character of all!
Spoiler Alert: Its' The Wasp!
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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Holiday Reading Room CAPTAIN MARVEL ADVENTURES "Plot Against Christmas"

He's not a captain in the Kree starfleet (or his son) or the other, female, Human/Kree Captain...
This is the original guy, the one who yelled "SHAZAM!", starring in a Christmas tale about a miser who...well read it for yourself...
This Yultide tale from Fawcett's Captain Marvel Adventures #42 (1945) was illustrated by Pete Costanza with touchups by C C Beck.
The writer, who owed a great deal to Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol", is unknown.
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Monday, October 25, 2021

Heroic Halloween in Rutland PARADE & PARTICIPANTS

Here's pix of the actual parade and the cosplayers...
...a shot from the mid-1980s (the woman on the left is Silk Spectre from Watchmen, which makes it 1986 or later!)
Note the blow-ups of covers from comics which featured the Rutland Parade!
Tom Fagan, comics uber-fan and the guy who made the parade a comics legend by including superheroes in it from the mid-1960s onward!
Usually, Tom was costumed as Batman (seen here with Hela: Goddess of Death from Thor)...
...but, to match his appearance in Marvel Comics' Rutland stories, where his comic counterpart couldn't be seen as the Caped Crusader. he sometimes appeared as the "evil Batman", Nighthawk!
We hope you've enjoyed our contribution to the amazing annual
CountDown To Halloween Blogathon!
to see what other contributors have to show about various aspects of pop culture at Halloween!
BTW, if you want to see the first comic to feature the Rutland Halloween Parade, click HERE to go to our sister" RetroBlog, Heroines!