Showing posts with label western. Show all posts
Showing posts with label western. Show all posts

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lobo #2 Part 2--The Posse

Read previous chapters of Lobo HERE!
 When last we left our hero...
Lobo interferes with the plans of "The King", who is attempting to drive local ranchers off their spreads in order to claim the "abandoned" land for himself.
Tomorrow: Showdown!
The FINAL Chapter in the Saga of Lobo!

And, don't forget your Lobo comic collectibles, including t-shirts, mugs, and other goodies at...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lobo #2--The King of the West!

Read previous chapters of Lobo HERE!
 When last we left our hero...
Landing a job as a "drover" with a cattle drive, an ex-Union soldier tries to be accepted as just another cowboy.
But a cruel Fate has other plans for him, as he is framed for murder.
Now known as "Lobo",  he seeks to clear his name.
But, the man who actually committed the killings dies before confessing to the authorities!
Lobo is stalked by The Posse!

And, don't forget your Lobo comic collectibles, including t-shirts, mugs, and other goodies at...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Lobo #1 Part 6--A Sad Ending

Read previous chapters of Lobo HERE!
Landing a job as a "drover" with a cattle drive, an ex-Union soldier tries to be accepted as just another cowboy.
But a cruel Fate has other plans for him, as he is framed for murder.
Now known as "Lobo",  he seeks to clear his name.
But, the man who actually commited the killings dies before confessing to the authorities!
Despondent, Lobo returns to the man who befriended him...
Thus ends the first chapter in The Saga of Lobo.
 Want to see the next issue?
Let us know!

And, don't forget your Lobo comic collectibles, including t-shirts, mugs, and other goodies at...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lobo #1 Part 5--An Old "Friend"

Read previous chapters of Lobo HERE!
Landing a job as a "drover" with a cattle drive, an ex-Union soldier tries to be accepted as just another cowboy.
But a cruel Fate has other plans for him, as he is framed for murder.
Now known as "Lobo",  he seeks to clear his name...
Tomorrow: A Sad Ending

And, don't forget your Lobo comic collectibles, including t-shirts, mugs, and other goodies at...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lobo #1 Part 4--The Brand Sticks

Read previous chapters of Lobo HERE!
An anonymous ex-Union soldier wanders the Old West, seeking work.
Landing a job as a "drover" with a cattle drive, he tries to be accepted as just another cowboy.
But a cruel Fate has other plans for him, as he is framed for murder...
Tomorrow: An Old "Friend"

And, don't forget your Lobo comic collectibles, including t-shirts, mugs, and other goodies at...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lobo #1 Part 3--On the Trail

Video Friday is pre-empted this week.
It will return next week.
Read previous chapters of Lobo HERE!
An anonymous ex-Union soldier wanders the Old West, seeking work.
Landing a job as a "drover" with a cattle drive, he tries to be accepted as just another cowboy.
But a cruel Fate has other plans for him...
And, don't forget your Lobo comic collectibles, including t-shirts, mugs, and other goodies at...