Showing posts with label retro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retro. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2022

Russkie-Smashers AVENGER "Fog Robbers"

Sadly, even today, there are Americans working with the Russkies...
...including a former inhabitant of the Oval Office who proclaimed Putin's invasion of Ukraine "smart"!

Scratch one Russkie sub!
You'll note there's a lot of exposition about Roger Wright aka The Avenger.
That's because this was the lead story in Magazine Enterprises' The Avenger #1 (1955), and was the readers' introduction to the character!
His origin was included in the the final story (which you'll see in a few weeks)!
Note:beginning a series with the character already established and operating was a common trope back in the Golden Age.
Written by Gardner Fox, illustrated by Dick Ayers with touch-ups by Bob Powell.
Be Back Next Week for Another Exciting Russkie-Smashing Adventure!

Monday, April 11, 2022

Russkie-Smashers AVENGER "Death Has Three Faces"

Atomic Missiles!
Kick-Commie-Ass Hand-to-Hand Combat!
Jump in and enjoy!

You may notice the art in this story from Magazine Enterprises' Avenger #1 (1955) is a little different from the previous tales!
It's by then-young Dick Ayers, one of the publisher's most prolific artists, who made up for lack of technical expertise with a rather exciting, freewheeling style, and the ability to do almost any genre from horror to Western, to war, to superheroes!
When ME folded, he moved over to Atlas/Marvel, where he became Jack Kirby's primary inker on most of the giant monster tales like "Fin Fang Foom" and "I Challenged Groot...the Monster from Planet X!" as well as the penciller of several strips including Giant-Man, and Sgt Fury and His Howling Commandos!
Ayers and Bob Powell split the art duties on The Avenger, with the two of them producing all the artwork in the series! 
Be Back Next Week for Another Exciting Russkie-Smashing Adventure!

Monday, April 4, 2022

Russkie-Smashers AVENGER "Invader from the Sea"

This cover-featured tale from the final issue of Magazine Enterprises' Avenger (#4 in 1955)...
...features The Avenger doing what he does best...rescuing an innocent from Russkies!
Or does it???
The Avenger isn't quite the wholesome, "gosh, gee-whiz" gullible fool the Russkies believed he (and most Americans) were!
To be fair, if the Russkies used an Italian, or Spanish, or Black female agent, she wouldn't have been so obvious!
Be Back Next Week for Another Exciting Russkie-Smashing Adventure!

Monday, March 28, 2022

Russkie-Smashers AVENGER "Metal Menace"

There was the occasional Russkie scientist who was the equal of Roger Wright aka The Avenger...

But, they used their scientific knowledge for evil...not we Americans did!
Hopefully, the Russkie didn't leave copies of the blueprints for the beam back in the Motherland!
And it pays to be wealthy, so you can afford to build another unique crime-fighting vehicle, as Bruce Wayne aka You Know Who, well knows!
Written by Gardner Fox and illustrated by Bob Powell, the story from Magazine Enterprises' The Avenger #2 (1955) shows that Commies could be anywhere, even in America's Heartland!
Be Back Next Week for Another Exciting Russkie-Smashing Adventure!

Monday, March 21, 2022

Russkie-Smashers AVENGER "Rust on the Iron Curtain!"

Helping the innocent escape from Russkies can be as satisfying as kicking their asses!
Luckily, this tale has both!
Written by Gardner Fox and illustrated by Bob Powell, this story from Magazine Enterprises' The Avenger #3 (1955) features Austria, a country divided (like Berlin) into four zones, Russian, American, British, and French, a situation that existed from the end of World War II to the end of 1955, when all four occupying countries pulled their troops out and returned control of the nation to the Austrians.
You can read more about it HERE!
Be Here Next Week For Another Exciting Installment!

Monday, March 14, 2022

Russkie-Smashers AVENGER "Lost H-Bomb"

Before we begin, please note that this is a symbolic splash panel!
The Avenger doesn't have size-changing powers...but there's a footnote at the end of the story you won't want to miss!
Written by Gardner Fox and illustrated by Bob Powell, this never-reprinted tale from Magazine Entertainment's The Avenger #2 (1955) is typical of the "kick Commie ass" adventures that ran through his four-issue series.
Footnote: Powell illustrated the final five issues of Ant-Man/Giant-Man's original, Silver Age series in Tales to Astonish...
....demonstrating his proficiency in rendering enormous characters in normal-sized environments!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022


There's an interesting sub-genre of superheroes, known as the "inspired-bys".

These are characters who are inspired by other characters to take up the mask and seek justice.
Usually they're family members who take up the same identity as their predecessor (The PhantomBlack CanarySilk Spectre of The Watchmen, The Black HoodHourMan, etc.)
Sometimes, as in this case, they're inspired by an unrelated hero who just happened to be published by the same company!
The best-known example is DC Comics' WildCat, inspired by the Golden Age Green Lantern to become a crimefighter.

Magazine Enterprises' The Avenger had a similar origin.
When his brother is taken hostage by Communist spies who wanted the prototype StarJet aircraft, inventor Roger Wright is inspired by remembering stories of the Original Ghost Rider (also published by Magazine Enterprises) to take up a masked identity to rescue his captive sibling!
Proclaiming himself "an Avenger against the evils of Communism",  Roger dons a red costume in defiance (Communists were often described as "the Red Menace" because their flags were predominiantly red) and uses his StarJet to attempt a rescue.
Unfortunately, his brother, who had attempted to escape, was already dead! The Commies were dealing, of course, in bad faith!
Roger captured the spies, and declaring "No man can be complacent while such as you are bent on enslaving all Mankind", began a one-man war against Communists everywhere!

The war lasted only four bi-monthly issues from 1954-55.
The Avenger, like Nature Boy and several other mid-1950s heroes came along just before the audience was ready for the return of superheroes, who had all but disappeared from comics in 1949!
It wasn't until an updated version of The Flash appeared in Showcase #4 (a year after the last issue of The Avenger) that the Silver Age of Comics, and the resulting explosion of superhero books that continues to this day, got going!

Beginning Sunday, we'll be re-presenting his Russkie-smashing saga!

BTW, we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ have digitally-restored and remastered what we believe to be his first and best cover appearance by Golden Age great Bob Powell, on an assortment of pop-culture collectibles, including t-shirts, messenger bags, mugs and other goodies!

Show you believe in capitalism and buy an Classic Avenger goodie or two.
You don't want him thinking you're a Communist, do you? ;-)

Note: this character is in no way related to the earlier pulp/comic character The Avenger published by the same company as Doc Savage and The Shadow, and currently being revived by Dynsmite Publishing