Showing posts with label World War II. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World War II. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Summer Blogathon BLACKHAWK "D-Day for the Blackhawks" Part 2: Jigsaw Goliath

...they were heading out on their first mission as a unit, just before D-Day, June 6, 1944!
To Be Concluded...
Writer Arnold Drake, penciler Dick Dillin and inker Chuck Cuidera update the vague origin Blackhawk was given (in his first appearance in Quality's Military Comics #1 (1941) and a somewhat more detailed tale from Blackhawk #50 (1952) in this never-reprinted story from DC's Blackhawk #198 (1964)...though this tale contradicts the fact that Blackhawk and his team were operating from 1940 onward, long before D-Day!
What's the explanation?
Find out tomorrow!
Note: This is part of our annual Summer RetroBlog Blogathon, this year covering how various comics characters participated in D-Day!
You can see the Normandy invasion activities of Sgt Rock HERE and Sgt Fury HERE!
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Monday, August 5, 2019

Summer Blogathon BLACKHAWK "D-Day for the Blackhawks" Part 1: Origin of the Blackhawks

We've covered the Blackhawks' unfortunate dabbling in 1960s superhero antics...
..but even before that, DC was tinkering with the team, changing them from wartime aviators to a team of scientific adventurers handling all sort of weird threats!
(You'll note as the tale begins, the team are in their red and green "adventurer" uniforms instead of their WWII leather outfits!
Also note that, in the final panel of the page directly below, Blackhawk and Stan are speaking each other's dialogue!)
To Be Continued...
Writer Arnold Drake, penciler Dick Dillin and inker Chuck Cuidera update the vague origin Blackhawk was given (in his first appearance in Quality's Military Comics #1 (1941) and a somewhat more detailed tale from Blackhawk #50 (1952) in this never-reprinted story from DC's Blackhawk #198 (1964).
Note: This is part of our annual Summer RetroBlog Blogathon, this year covering how various comics characters participated in D-Day!
You can see the Normandy invasion activities of Sgt Rock HERE and Sgt Fury HERE!
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starring Kirk (Superman) Alyn

Thursday, December 8, 2016

SPY SMASHER "Crime of Pearl Harbor"

...on December 6th, 1941, Spy Smasher discovered a huge Japanese submarine in the waters just outside Pearl Harbor.
Unfortunately, he was captured...
(NOTE: Considered NSFW due to racial stereotypes common to the era.)
Those last two pages were a serious attempt at propaganda/revisionist history to an impressionable young audience!
Published in early 1942, this never-reprinted tale from Fawcett's Spy Smasher #4 was created just after the events of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, so the overt racism is somewhat understandable.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

SPY SMASHER "Now It Can be Told!!!"

After the sneak attack, super heroes dealt with Pearl Harbor... we see in this Golden Age tale which is NSFW due to racial stereotypes common to the 1940s and World War II!
Spy Smasher is down...but not out!
Be here TOMORROW for the thrilling conclusion!
Published in early 1942, this never-reprinted tale from Fawcett's Spy Smasher #4 was created just after the events of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, so the overt racism is somewhat understadable.
Please Support Hero Histories this Christmas!
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reading Room NOT WHO YOU THINK: FireBird and Valkyrie

Nope, he's not the female Mighty Avenger, (obviously)...
...and she's not another Mighty Avenger (and former Defender)...
...nor AirBoy's aviatrix nemesis from the 1940s...
...but they are a one-shot hero from the 1940s and his female nemesis in a tale from TailSpin #1 (and only), published in 1944.
I think you'll be able to tell who's who...
"In all his checkered career..."
What "checkered career"?
This was FireBird's only appearance!
The "aviator goggles-helmet and cape" ensemble was used by several heroes including Spy Smasher and the original Phantom Eagle, so it could be a reworked version of one of their tales.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reading Room: CAPTAIN TRIUMPH "Origin" Conclusion

When military aviator Michael Gallant is killed by sabotage to his aircraft, his twin brother, Lance discovers Michael's ghost can, when Lance touches a "T" birthmark on his wrist, merge with his living sibling to become the near-invincible Captain Triumph!
From his first appearance in Crack Comics #27 to the end the title's Golden Age run with #62, Captain Triumph not only took over the lead story spot, but the coveted cover slot (which had been a rotating showcase of the book's various heroes) as well.

which features his first AND last cover appearances along with two other classic images!