Showing posts with label Silver Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silver Age. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2023

Silver Age Marvel's FIRST Russkie-Smasher Isn't Who You Believe It Is...

It ain't Iron Man or Thor, neither of whom appeared until 1963!
And, while the Fantastic Four made their space flight in 1961 to beat the Russkies into space, they didn't face a Russian foe until the Red Ghost and his Super-Apes in FF #13 (also in 1963)!
Technically, The Incredible Hulk was the first to actually face Russkies in combat in the premiere issue of his own title...cover-dated May, 1962!
But another character, introduced several months before Bruce Banner, was the first to appear in the pages of Atlas/Marvel Comics...cover-dated January, 1962!
...Henry Pym, the man who would soon be The Ant-Man!
His initial appearance was in Tales to Astonish #27, where he appeared to just be a hapless scientist who inadvertently created a formula to reduce himself to ant-size!
But, there was an unrevealed, Russian-related, reason for his project, which we discovered in Tales to Astonish #44...
This week, on the one-year anniversary of imperialist running dog Vlad Putin's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, we're presenting the Astonishing Ant-Man's premiere adventure from September, 1962...which was against (who else?) Russkies!
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Monday, January 30, 2023

Russkie-Smashers RICHIE RICH "Military Mix-Up"

Yep, you read that right!

The Poor Little Rich Boy kicks Russkie butt in this tale from Harvey's Richie Rich #51 (1966)!
Whatta guy!
And he didn't even have to become Super-Richie/Rippy... do it!
(If you think there's a lot of Spider-Man or Batman titles out now...and there are quite a's nothing compared to Richie Rich at his peak, when there were...take a deep breath...
32 simultaneous monthly, bi-monthly and quarterly titles!
You read that right, True Believer!
By the way, they were all selling better than almost everything Marvel and DC has out there now!
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Monday, December 26, 2022

Russkie Savers SPACE ADVENTURES "Captain Atom: 2nd Man in Space"

Putin didn't take a holiday over Christmas, continuing to attack Ukrainian targets...

...but we Americans are far more benevolent than the ex-KGB putz and his allies!
So, in the spirit of the season...
This tale from Charlton's Space Adventures V3N34 (1960) was published almost a year before the USSR's Yuri Gargarin became the first man in space on April 12, 1961.
Note: Not to minimize the achievement, but Gargarin made only one orbit before returning to Earth.
But the fact the Soviets had put both the first satellite (Sputnik) and the first man into space made America all the more determined to beat them to the Moon...which we did!
BTW, the "vaccine" in this tale written by Joe Gill and illustrated by Steve Ditko is total hogwash.
No drug would've counteracted the effects of acceleration on a human body!
Next Week:
No More "Mr Nice Guy!"
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Monday, September 19, 2022

Russkie-Smashers SPACE ADVENTURES "Introducing Captain Atom"

Though an accident gave him his super-powers...
...his first assignment (of many) was to stop a Russkie atomic missile being used in a false-flag operation to blame America!
Captain Atom has enjoyed the longest career of any Charlton character, still going strong today as a guest star in various DC titles as well as a new mini-series every few years!
(Note: The Charlton version of the Fox Blue Beetle didn't come along until 1964, and the new Ditko version first appeared in 1967!)
Despite the blue/silver coloring on the interiors of his premiere in Space Adventures #33 (1960), Captain Atom was shown on the cover in his orange/yellow garb.
Also, his trademark hair-color change from red to white when he "powers up"  isn't shown.

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Captain Atom
Volume 1

Monday, May 9, 2022

Russkie-Smashers AVENGER "Birth of the Avenger!"

Appropriately, on Russia's "Victory Day"...

...we present our final Avenger tale...his origin...which was caused by the Russkies, as you shall see!
This tale, written by Paul S Newman and illustrated by Dick Ayers was the final story in Magazine Enterprises' The Avenger #1 (1955), after three other tales already showing The Avenger as an established and well-known fighter against the Communists in general, and Russkies in particular!
BTW, the "Ghost Rider mask" shown on page 3 that inspires Roger Wright to become the costumed Avenger was a real licensed product you could mail-order from Magazine Enterprises, which published both The Avenger and Ghost Rider!
Is that "meta", or what?
Note: there are a number of Avenger stories that feature Chinese Communists as well as colorful criminals without political affiliation, but since Russkies are the villains of this blogathon, those tales won't be presented this time around!
But, fear not, lovers of Freedom and the American Way!
There are numerous heroes ready and waiting to SMASH Russkies, beginning with...
...The Fighting American and SpeedBoy!
So we'll hardly be lacking for material in the coming months!
Be Back Next Week for Another Exciting Russkie-Smashing Adventure!

Monday, May 2, 2022

Russkie-Smashers AVENGER "Red Hand of Terror!"

In the 1950s, whenever Russkies threatened free people anywhere in the world of comics...

...The Avenger was there to end their depredations!
Don't be surprised that next Monday's story is entitled "Birth of the Avenger!"...and will answer those particular questions!
This cover-featured tale that leads directly into that origin was written by Gardner Fox and illustrated by Dick Ayers!
BTW, the cover was rendered by Bob Powell!