Showing posts with label Otto Binder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Otto Binder. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL "Chapter XVII: Mr Mind's Movie Madness"

Who says comic books aren't educational?
Not me!
Lucky for you, we have the code...
...on the back of the Captain Marvel Club Membership Card (shown here)!
With the success of Republic's Adventures of Captain Marvel serial, Otto Binder took the idea of a Captain Marvel B-feature film (nobody in the 1940s would've dreamed of doing a Wizard of Oz-level flick based on a comic book), and ran wild with it, as you'll see when...
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Monday, August 27, 2018


...ah, there's nothing like British reserve!
Stiff upper lip and all that rot, eh?
Lucky for you, we have the code...
...on the back of the Captain Marvel Club Membership Card (shown here)!
Writer Otto Binder tossed off interesting concepts like the "Sub-Americans" and  Jeepers' near-extinct species as mere filler while advancing the main plot!
Today's writers would do entire issues about them, believing themselves extremely clever for having xome up with them!
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Friday, August 24, 2018

MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL "Chapter XV: the Vicious Volcano!"

...note the format and structure changes:
1) A new "eight panel to a page" layout (making this read more like movie storyboards than a standard comic page where panel size varies)!
This new format will be continued until the end of the serial.
2) Lack of a cliffhanger from the previous chapter (as if the previous chapter were the final one for that serial, and this was the first chapter in a sequel serial)!
Note that while DC's Superman and Batman both had two serials, their Fawcett equivalents Captain Marvel and Spy Smasher had only one serial each!
3) And, on the first page, panels presenting the synopsis and cast, much in the style of the opening credits of the 1940s Republic serials...including Adventures of Captain Marvel!
Now you can go on with the story...
Remember how I told you the Captain Marvel Code-Finder was a mail-in premium that would enable you to understand the cryptic messages (like this one) in stories?
And that, without it, you'd be as helpless as an Axis spy to figure out what the message was!
And that I didn't have one of the HTF and expensive Code Finders?
Well, guess what?
We don't need it!
On the back of the Captain Marvel Club Membership Card (shown here) is the code!
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Thursday, August 23, 2018

MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL "Chapter XIV: Mr Mind's Blitz!"

...isn't it amazing the ways villains use to keep Billy Batson from saying "SHAZAM!"?
This is now becoming a little irritating!
The Captain Marvel Code-Finder was a mail-in premium that would enable you to understand the cryptic messages (like this one) in stories!
Without it, you'd be as helpless as an Axis spy to figure out what the message was!
Regrettably, I don't have one so I can't tell you what the message says!
Now, a line here or there isn't too bad, but when the whole last panel is in code, that's a pisser!
Note: this is one of the few chapters that doesn't end in a life-or-death cliffhanger!
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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL "Chapter XIII: the Floating Terror"

(Due to racist content common to the era of publication, we had to post several chapters at Not Safe for Work Comics.)
The Captain Marvel Code-Finder was a mail-in premium that would enable you to understand the cryptic messages (like this one) in stories!
Without it, you'd be as helpless as an Axis spy to figure out what the message was!
Regrettably, I don't have one so I can't tell you what the message says!

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