Showing posts with label Golden Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golden Age. Show all posts

Thursday, September 6, 2018

MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL "Chapter XXIV: the Undersea Monster Brigade"

...yep, it's the bad guy who's about to meet his demise!
"All of Mr. Mind's dome attendants drown like the rats they are..."
For a kiddie-oriented strip, this serial's pretty damn lethal!

Pity the World's Mightiest Mortal doesn't have x-ray vision like Superman, eh?
Of course, that might have helped end the copyright infringement trial sooner than it did...
D.C. (then National Comics Publications, Inc) found itself squaring off with Fawcett Publications, Inc. in a 1941 lawsuit challenging publication of Captain Marvel (now known as “Shazam”).
It took several court decisions, a 1948 trial and 13 years of litigation before Superman ultimately prevailed in 1954 when Fawcett agreed to settle amidst a decision to leave the comic book business altogether.

Note, we have the secret code...
...from the back of the Captain Marvel Club Membership Card (shown here)!
And, no, we're not going to translate it for you!
...the excitement concludes here
(Yes, You Read That Right!)
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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL "Chapter XXIII: Mr Mind's School for Evil!"

...when did Mr Mind have time to set this operation up?
When you think about it, having a "school for evil" is a great idea, which both Marvel's TaskMaster's Academy and DC's H.I.V.E. Academy took even further!
Note, we have the secret code...
...from the back of the Captain Marvel Club Membership Card (shown here)!
And, no, we're not going to translate it for you!
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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL "Chapter XXII: Mr Mind Loses His Mind"

... note that the contents page lists this chapter of Monster Society of Evil as "Mr Mind Goes Straight", even though both the cover and story have a different title!
Let's rejoin Billy Batson as he faces the most mundane foe he'll ever encounter...
C'mon, you really didn't think that change of, mind...was going to last, did you?
This was the last chapter of Monster Society of Evil to get a cover appearance. 
Considering how much time and effort was put into it, I'm surprised the editors didn't give the serial more promo on the covers!
Note, we have the secret code...
...from the back of the Captain Marvel Club Membership Card (shown here)!
And, no, we're not going to translate it for you!
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Monday, September 3, 2018

MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL "Chapter XXI: the Unholy Hydra!"

...good Lord, Mr Mind's created the first Trump voter!
Now if only S.H.I.E.L.D. could apply the same strategy to their Hydra!
Note, we have the secret code...
...from the back of the Captain Marvel Club Membership Card (shown here)!
And, no, we're not going to translate it for you!
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Friday, August 31, 2018

MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL "Chapter XX: Mr Mind's Book"

...ah, the days when people actually read words on a page, rather than glance at a screen!
(I'll have more to say about this below...)
Of course, these days, all Mr Mind would have to do is post an e-book or pdf on the web with a link on a conspiracy site...
Note, we have the secret code...
...from the back of the Captain Marvel Club Membership Card (shown here)!
And, no, we're not going to translate it for you!
It's interesting to note the power print media once had.
Even comic strips had the ability to generate public controversy, as this (only slightly) exaggerated comic story demonstrates!
While I enjoy posting long-lost material like this for an audience that has never seen it before, I'd much rather be an actual print publisher to put this material back in the same format it was created for.
There's something visceral about holding a printed book or comic in your hand that electronic media can't duplicate.
But it is expensive.
Well, there's always PowerBall and Mega Millions...
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