Showing posts with label Charlton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlton. Show all posts

Monday, September 19, 2022

Russkie-Smashers SPACE ADVENTURES "Introducing Captain Atom"

Though an accident gave him his super-powers...
...his first assignment (of many) was to stop a Russkie atomic missile being used in a false-flag operation to blame America!
Captain Atom has enjoyed the longest career of any Charlton character, still going strong today as a guest star in various DC titles as well as a new mini-series every few years!
(Note: The Charlton version of the Fox Blue Beetle didn't come along until 1964, and the new Ditko version first appeared in 1967!)
Despite the blue/silver coloring on the interiors of his premiere in Space Adventures #33 (1960), Captain Atom was shown on the cover in his orange/yellow garb.
Also, his trademark hair-color change from red to white when he "powers up"  isn't shown.

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Action Hero Archives
Captain Atom
Volume 1

Monday, September 12, 2022

Russkie-Smashers SPURS JACKSON AND HIS SPACE VIGILANTES "Battle the Red Menace Beyond the Moon"

Blackhawk and his crew weren't the only ones to discover Russkies on the Moon!
A bunch of average all-American cowboys who were zipping around space in flying saucers (as shown HERE) also found them!
This seldom-reprinted (once in b/w in 1992) tale from Charlton's Space Western Comics #43 (1953) was written by Walter (The Shadow) Gibson and illustrated by Stan Campbell.
Considering how poorly the Russkies are doing in Ukraine, it's doubtful they ever could've mounted an attempt at lunar conquest!

Thursday, January 13, 2022

He's HERE! The Man Who Kills For Peace!

The Peacemaker Drops Today on HBO Max... why not learn the secret origin of the Man Who Kills for Peace?
Click HERE
...only if you really wanna know!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Origin PEACEMAKER Part 2 "Hostage"

He's the Man Who Loves Peace So Much, He'll Fight for It!
Though described by actor John Cena (who portrays him in the new movie The Suicide Squad and upcoming HBOMax mini-series The Peacemaker) as a "douchebag Captain America", the original version was actually far less, well, "douchey"!
Diplomat Christopher Smith engages Nora O'Rourke (a woman who is not what she seems) as his new secretary.
As he familiarizes her with her new duties, Smith also deals with several deadly threats against himself and associates (including O'Rourke) while explaining exactly what his mission entails!
He's surprised to discover she has figured out that he and the hero known as "PeaceMaker" are one and the same!
Of course, it's at that moment that a jet fighter launches a missile directly at his headquarters...

Sadly, the book ended with the next issue.
In the 1980s. after Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC revived and revamped the Charlton "Action Heroes" and integrated them into the DC Universe, giving a couple of them their own ongoing comics and making them Justice League members!
Peacemaker received a mini-series which revamped him into the schmuck John Cena is brilliantly-playing in The Suicide Squad!
Trivia: Though DC has reprinted the Peacemaker's fellow Silver Age heroes' (Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Question) strips  in their Silver Age Archives hardcovers, Christopher Smith's Silver and Bronze Age solo adventures have never been reprinted!
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....which, ironically, includes PeaceMaker!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

PEACEMAKER "Origin" Part 1

He's the Man Who Loves Peace So Much, He'll Fight for It!
Though described by actor John Cena (who portrays him in the new movie The Suicide Squad and upcoming HBOMax mini-series The Peacemaker) as a "douchebag Captain America", the original version was actually far less, well, "douchey"...
To Be Concluded
The character's co-creators, writer Joe Gill and artist Pat Boyette produced all the Silver Age stories featuring him, including this one from Charlton's Peacemaker #4 (1967)!
Despite his prominence in both the new Suicide Squad movie and the upcoming PeaceMaker HBOMax tv series, DC has not reprinted any of his Silver Age tales from Charlton nor his Bronze Age mini-series from DC in any format!
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Half-Baked Heroes from Comics History
(which, ironically, includes The PeaceMaker!)

Monday, August 2, 2021


The Suicide Squad is dropping on August 6th...

...featuring the DC Extended Universe premiere of...
...The PeaceMaker, who will receive a spin-off HBO Max prequel mini-series.

But who was the PeaceMaker?
And why haven't most people (except for serious comic book fans) even heard of him?
Considering he's been around since the 1960s, you should learn the background of this lynchpin character in the second Suicide Squad film!
So, join us tomorrow, when we present the (sorta) origin from the Silver Age of the Man Who Loves Peace So Much, He'll Fight for It!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Charlton Fools Day: SINISTRO: BOY FIEND "Too Many Happy Endings"

He could've been the typical All-American boy hero...
...but a cruel fate intervened to make him just the opposite!
The Boy Fiend's battle against all that is good and decent will continue in the near future.
Easily one of the weirdest strips to come out of the Silver Age of Comics, this never-reprinted tale from Charlton Premiere #3 (1968) by Grass Green (writer/layouts) and Henry Scarpelli (pencils and inks) could've been the Ambush Bug or Forbush Man of Charlton.
The highly under-appreciated Richard "Grass" Green was one of the first wave of fanboys-turned-pros which included Roy Thomas, Bernie Wrightson, and Barry Smith, and the only Black member of that august group of pioneers.
Though he did a lot of work for various fanzines in the 60s and 70s, Grass' mainstream professional work was limited to Charlton's Go-Go humor title and two issues of Charlton Premiere.
Green found a niche in underground comics in the 70s and 80s, creating Super Soul Comix and WildMan & RubberRoy.
He passed away from cancer in 2002.
HERE'S an extensive profile about Grass Green on the CBDLF website.

This post is part of an informal blogathon entitled
Charlton Fools Day
conceived and organized by Kracalactaka to bring attention to Charlton Comics, often considered the "runt" of the Silver Age comics litter.
Visit his blog HERE and see a list of other participants as well as his own contributions