Showing posts with label 1950s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1950s. Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2023

Russkie-Smashers HUMAN TORCH COMICS "Atomic Ray Gun Toy Terror!"

The Human Torch's return to his own title in 1953...
...after several appearances in other books featured this tale about the perils of toy ray guns!
(I kid you not!)
Though this story from Atlas' Human Torch #36 (1953) was illustrated by Dick Ayers, Carl Burgos (the character's creator/original writer-artist) redrew both the Torch and Toro's flaming forms!
Trivia: Though a number of the 1950s Torch and Toro tales were reprinted (with minor modifications) in the 1970s (after the Comics Code loosened up), this story was too violent to reprint until the 2000s!
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(which features this tale)

Monday, May 8, 2023

Russkie-Smashers MARVEL BOY II "Time-Bomb Terror!"

Though the comic was retitled Astonishing as of this issue... still starred Uranian-born (but quite all-American) superhero Marvel Boy!
You'll note Marvel Boy had to deal with bull-headed ineptitude by the G-Men!
Though the actual writer is unknown, it might be artist Bill Everett, whose Sub-Mariner experienced similar problems with Americans as shown HERE!

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which includes all of Marvel Boy's 1950-51 appearances as well as the 1953 re-intro of Captain America, Human Torch and Sub-Mariner

Monday, May 1, 2023

Russkie-Smashers / NoKo Crushers BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25th CENTURY "Adventure of the Flying Discs!"

Yes, the 20th Century Guy Who Survived to the 25th Century returns to the 20th Century...
...(1950, to be exact) to Take On Commies of Various Ethnicities...and Explain What Flying Saucers Are...and Who's Piloting Them!
(Cover by Murphy Anderson and an unknown inker)
This never-reprinted tale illustrated by Ray Chatton, from Toby Press' Buck Rogers in the 25th Century #100 (1950) was done specifically for the comic, unlike Buck's previous comic book appearances, which were newspaper strip reprints.
(BTW, though the book is "#100", it's actually the first issue from this publisher!)
"Korosa" is, obviously, Korea, where the Korean War broke out on June 25, 1950.
It's interesting to note that, in the 25th Century, peace reigns on Earth and there are rocket bases and other facilities in Korosa/Korea!
Plus, the unknown writer apparently wasn't exactly conversant in the concept of time travel...which, even at this stage in science fiction literature, pretty much stated that interference in the "past" usually-resulted in catastrophic rewriting of history in the "future/present" as shown in stories like "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury!
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Wednesday, April 19, 2023


I'd tell you, but the scripter did such a good job synopsizing the story, I'd be foolish to try to compete...
...BTW, I'm sure I saw this plot reused on Voyage to the Botom of the Sea in the 1960s!
Written by Richard Hughes and illustrated by Ken Landau, this never-reprinted tale from ACG's Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub #5 (1955) was the second and last issue of the anti-communist direction the series took.
The book continued for two more issues, which changed direction yet again, as the Atomic Sub battled flying saucer-riding aliens!
But there are a couple of solo short stories featuring individual Atomic Commandos battling Commies of various sorts, so you haven't seen the last of them in this category!

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

ChiCom-Crushers COMMANDER BATTLE AND THE ATOMIC SUB "Behind the Bamboo Curtain"

...wel, that covers it pretty well!
Don't worrry, we'll check out the rest of the team as the story goes along...
PayOff Battle!
Written by Richard Hughes and illustrated by Ken Landau, this never-reprinted tale from ACG's Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub #5 (1955) was the second issue of the new anti-communist direction the series took.

Monday, April 17, 2023


Its Americans vs The Red Chinese!
(Gee, just like real life!)... Commander Battle and his Atomic Commandos grapple with various Communists, not just Russkies!!!
Behind the Bamboo Curtain!
Written by Richard Hughes and illustrated by Ken Landau, this never-reprinted tale from ACG's Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub #5 (1955) was the second issue of the new anti-communist direction the series took.

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